RT @KlimaMemes
Die #Autos lösen sich bestimmt in Luft auf und verursachen keinen #Stau in der #Stadt
#A100 #Autobahn #Berlin #InducedTraffic #InduzierterVerkehr #Meme #Wissing #Verkehrsminister #Verkehr #Tempolimit #Stadt #Stadtautobahn #Autokorrektur #Lichtenberg #Friedrichshain #Rummelsburg
#Autos #Stau #stadt #a100 #autobahn #Berlin #inducedtraffic #induzierterVerkehr #Meme #Wissing #verkehrsminister #Verkehr #tempolimit #Stadtautobahn #autokorrektur #lichtenberg #friedrichshain #rummelsburg
RT @BrentToderian@twitter.com
Attention cities & states — remember this as you reconsider EVERY single freeway and road widening project you’ve been working on for years, but very likely need to cancel in light of the #CimateEmergency, and the fact that they don’t actually work. #inducedTraffic #ClimateCrisis
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrentToderian/status/1614337249260507137
#cimateemergency #inducedtraffic #climatecrisis
@BrentToderian #inducedtraffic Well, at least the automotive, oil, and construction industries sure do benefit from new bigger roads. Oh, wait, that's part of the reason why it still happens....🤔
Updated my list of interests: #transport
#climate change
#transport #roads #transportactionnetwork #Climate #ClimateAction #pollution #inducedtraffic #green #Greens #film #politics #environment #nature #sustainability #GlobalWarming #wildlife #ecology #Recycling
Updated my list of interests: #transport
#climate change
#transport #roads #transportactionnetwork #Climate #ClimateAction #pollution #inducedtraffic #green #Greens #film #politics #environment #nature #sustainability #GlobalWarming #wildlife #ecology #Recycling
“It's well-demonstrated that you can't build your way out of traffic congestion by building roads — the more you build, the more people drive. As the saying goes, building more lanes to address congestion is like loosening your belt to address obesity.” The Law of Traffic Congestion, according to “The Flash!” My Planetizen article. https://www.planetizen.com/node/53659 #InducedDemand #cities #cars #urbanism #transportation #traffic #congestion #city #car #InducedTraffic #JevonsParadox #Flash
#flash #jevonsparadox #inducedtraffic #car #city #congestion #traffic #transportation #urbanism #cars #cities #induceddemand
“It's well-demonstrated that you can't build your way out of traffic congestion by building roads — the more you build, the more people drive. As the saying goes, building more lanes to address congestion is like loosening your belt to address obesity.” The Law of Traffic Congestion, according to “The Flash!” My Planetizen article. https://www.planetizen.com/node/53659 #InducedDemand #cities #cars #urbanism #transportation #traffic #congestion #city #car #InducedTraffic #JevonsParadox #Flash
#flash #jevonsparadox #inducedtraffic #car #city #congestion #traffic #transportation #urbanism #cars #cities #induceddemand
“It's well-demonstrated that you can't build your way out of traffic congestion by building roads — the more you build, the more people drive. As the saying goes, building more lanes to address congestion is like loosening your belt to address obesity.”
The Law of Traffic Congestion, according to “The Flash!” My Planetizen article.
#InducedDemand #cities #cars #urbanism #transportation #traffic #congestion #city #car #InducedTraffic #JevonsParadox #Flash
#flash #jevonsparadox #inducedtraffic #car #city #congestion #traffic #transportation #urbanism #cars #cities #induceddemand
“It's well-demonstrated that you can't build your way out of traffic congestion by building roads — the more you build, the more people drive. As the saying goes, building more lanes to address congestion is like loosening your belt to address obesity.”
The Law of Traffic Congestion, according to “The Flash!” My Planetizen article.
#InducedDemand #cities #cars #urbanism #transportation #traffic #congestion #city #car #InducedTraffic #JevonsParadox #Flash
#flash #jevonsparadox #inducedtraffic #car #city #congestion #traffic #transportation #urbanism #cars #cities #induceddemand
RT @lauxmyth@twitter.com
Best line.
#JevonsParadox isn’t a death metal band. It’s #inducedTraffic. https://twitter.com/BrentToderian/status/1192568535009988608
#jevonsparadox #inducedtraffic
If you’re trying to “solve” traffic congestion, road widenings are very expensive exercises in futility - unless your ACTUAL intention is more people driving more often and longer in the same or worse congestion, and a lot more suburban sprawl.
#cities #suburbs #suburbia #urbanplanning #urbanism #sprawl #suburbansprawl #induceddemand #transportation #inducedtraffic
#inducedtraffic #transportation #induceddemand #suburbansprawl #sprawl #urbanism #urbanplanning #suburbia #suburbs #cities
RT @BrentToderian@twitter.com
“It means you spend a lot of money now for a very short-term benefit."
“I guess for $300 billion dollars we were hoping for something a little more dramatic.”
#JevonsParadox isn’t a death metal band. It’s #inducedTraffic. Via @ABCTV@twitter.com:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrentToderian/status/1192568535009988608
#JevonsParadox #inducedtraffic
Our amazing fellow rebel scientist @Martha_LastGen has reached day 31 of hunger strike to demand @BgmLudwig agrees on public debate on #Stadtstrasse quasi-highway project.She just demands him to publicly face #science on #InducedTraffic, but no answer thus far.#ClimateActionNow
RT @Martha_LastGen
#MarthasHungerStrike day 31. Gave a press talk today in the morning - intended to use a still from the video for today's post but thi…
#stadtstrasse #science #inducedtraffic #climateactionnow #MarthasHungerStrike