Hoping to see major appliance manufacturers explore the market for #VirtualPowerPlant capabilities of #Induction #Cooking with integrated batteries. Here's a very interesting startup: https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/electrification/this-startup-is-adding-a-battery-to-induction-stoves
#cooking #induction #virtualpowerplant
Venturing into YouTube, I created this video on a recent home purchase of the Wolf Induction Range IR36550. Induction is the future! Since it's my first video, definitely subscribe and leave a comment if you found it useful.
#induction #wolf #convectionoven #inductioncooking #InductionStove
#induction #wolf #convectionoven #inductioncooking #inductionstove
Should developing economies progress through the same energy transitions as developed economies?
Shouldn't we encourage conversion of biomass (wood etc) stoves to portable LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), and not electricity?
From 2015 - 2021, ~10% of Ecuador households converted from LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) cooking to #Induction #stoves.
Millions of avoided tons of CO2 emissions AND decreased hospitalizations.
So much for LPG.
[Induction] AI Hype vs AI Reality w/ Jordan Harrod 🅴 #induction
https://podcastaddict.com/induction/episode/162186370 via @PodcastAddict
I can't understand why an induction-based water kettle that turns itself off when it boils does not appear to exist. Is there something about #induction that makes this impossible? #cleanenergy #electrifyeverything
#induction #cleanenergy #electrifyeverything
On the SIKP 2000 A1 Portable Induction Hob: Review (2010) - See how easy this one-pan portable induction hob is to use! How does it compare with a built-in induction hob? #cleanAir #induction #cutCarbon - https://www.earth.org.uk/note-on-SilverCrest-Portable-Induction-Hob-SIKP-2000-A1-REVIEW.html
#cleanair #induction #cutcarbon
@xiann Get an #induction cooktop. You might need some new pots and pans, but we’ve loved ours.
Wurde mir empfohlen. Kannte ich nicht. Bin begeistert. Schneller, moderner und melodischer #PowerMetal. 🤘🏻
Entdecke #BornFromFire von #Induction auf #AmazonMusic
#powermetal #bornfromfire #induction #amazonmusic
Survey of Abduction, Deduction, Induction, Analogy, Inquiry • 3
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/04/02/survey-of-abduction-deduction-induction-analogy-inquiry-3/
This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on three elementary forms of inference, as recognized by a logical tradition extending from Aristotle through Charles S. Peirce. Particular attention is paid to the way these inferential rudiments combine to form the more complex patterns of analogy and inquiry.
Blog Dialogs —
• Abduction, Deduction, Induction, Analogy, Inquiry
1. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2012/08/16/abduction-deduction-induction-analogy-inquiry-1/
2. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2012/11/21/abduction-deduction-induction-analogy-inquiry-2/
3. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2016/02/17/abduction-deduction-induction-analogy-inquiry-3/
29. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/03/15/abduction-deduction-induction-analogy-inquiry-29/
30. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/12/15/abduction-deduction-induction-analogy-inquiry-30/
31. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/10/14/abduction-deduction-induction-analogy-inquiry-31/
Blog Series —
Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/06/20/functional-logic-inquiry-and-analogy-preliminaries-2/
1. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/06/21/functional-logic-inquiry-and-analogy-1-2/
2. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/06/22/functional-logic-inquiry-and-analogy-2-2/
3. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/06/23/functional-logic-inquiry-and-analogy-3-2/
19. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/07/17/functional-logic-inquiry-and-analogy-19-2/
20. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/07/18/functional-logic-inquiry-and-analogy-20-2/
21. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/07/19/functional-logic-inquiry-and-analogy-21-2/
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/07/06/functional-logic-inquiry-and-analogy-discussion-1/
OEIS Wiki —
Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy
• https://oeis.org/wiki/Functional_Logic_%E2%80%A2_Inquiry_and_Analogy
Prospects for Inquiry Driven Systems
• https://oeis.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey/Prospects_for_Inquiry_Driven_Systems
Introduction to Inquiry Driven Systems
• https://oeis.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Inquiry_Driven_Systems
Information = Comprehension × Extension
• https://oeis.org/wiki/Information_%3D_Comprehension_%C3%97_Extension
Inquiry Driven Systems • Inquiry Into Inquiry
• https://oeis.org/wiki/Inquiry_Driven_Systems_%E2%80%A2_Overview
#Peirce #Logic #Abduction #Deduction #Induction #Analogy #Inquiry
#FunctionalLogic #DifferentialLogic #DynamicsOfInquiry #Semiotics
#InquiryDrivenSystem #InformationEqualsComprehensionTimesExtension
#informationequalscomprehensiontimesextension #inquirydrivensystem #semiotics #dynamicsofinquiry #DifferentialLogic #functionallogic #inquiry #analogy #induction #deduction #abduction #logic #Peirce
Tim Kanoa Hansen live on stage at Sporthalke Hamburg, 6 May 2023.
#lepsysphotos #lepsysphotography #mcsaxonphotography #concertphoto #concertphotography #concertphotographer #hobbyphotographer #hobbyphotography #hobbyconcertphotography #hobbyconcertphotographer #frontrowphotography #livephotography #musicphotography #birthday #birthdayboy #birthdaypost #birthdayshoutout #timhansen #timkanoahansen #induction #metalguitar #metalguitarist
#lepsysphotos #lepsysphotography #mcsaxonphotography #concertphoto #concertphotography #concertphotographer #HobbyPhotographer #hobbyphotography #hobbyconcertphotography #hobbyconcertphotographer #frontrowphotography #livephotography #musicphotography #birthday #birthdayboy #birthdaypost #birthdayshoutout #timhansen #timkanoahansen #induction #metalguitar #metalguitarist
Week 2 with an induction range and a cat. Another lesson learned!
Miss Melody awards it her stamp of approval every darn day and I have to clean the burner first EVERY time I want to cook. Bought a cover because I am done with cleaning it multiple times a day.
On the IKEA SMAKLIG Built-in Induction Hob: Review - Is an induction hob better than cooking with gas? How about health and carbon? #induction #cutCarbon #airQuality - https://www.earth.org.uk/note-on-IKEA-SMAKLIG-built-in-induction-hob.html
#induction #cutcarbon #airquality
The Parks #Library #Makerspace is coming alive for our library members' free access to #tools, #equipment and #Makers' Advisory. Book a room #induction to access the space over extended hours and days. #Workshops #introductions #Laser #Cutting #3D https://cityofpae.evanced.info/signup
#library #makerspace #tools #equipment #makers #induction #workshops #introductions #laser #cutting #3d
📢 Join now (7pm ET Wed) to watch Lesson 24: Introduction to Algorithms by Mohammad Hajiaghayi! 📚 "#Dijkstra #Singlesource #shortestpath and its proof by #induction." 🎥Watch here: https://youtu.be/GE8Zo-x-Ynk . Subscribe to YouTube @hajiaghayi for future lessons!)
#induction #shortestpath #singlesource #dijkstra
#SystemsInnovation - #Causality
#Philosophy #Science #Systems #SystemsThinking #CauseAndEffect #Cause #Effect #Physics #Induction #Hume #DavidHume #ConstantConjunction #LinearCausality #NonLinearCausality #Feedback #Holism #HolisticSynthetic #TopDown #BottomUp #Emergence #Emergentism #Reduction #Reductivism
#reductivism #reduction #emergentism #emergence #bottomup #topdown #holisticsynthetic #holism #feedback #nonlinearcausality #linearcausality #constantconjunction #davidhume #hume #induction #physics #effect #cause #causeandeffect #systemsthinking #systems #science #philosophy #causality #systemsinnovation
On the IKEA SMAKLIG Built-in Induction Hob: Review - Is an induction hob better than cooking with gas? How about health and carbon? #induction #cutCarbon #airQuality - https://www.earth.org.uk/note-on-IKEA-SMAKLIG-built-in-induction-hob.html
#induction #cutcarbon #airquality
One more benefit I forgot to mention to a portable #induction cooktop:
Want to do something smoky, like chatting eggplants in your cast iron, without smoking up your house (or using an outdoor grill)? If you have an outdoor outlet, there you go.
For those who want to switch to an #induction stove but can’t afford it:
We’ve swapped out our gas stove for a regular, cheaper electric oven but we use a portable induction stovetop that cost about $100. It’s awesome and I recommend this as an affordable option to everyone. Since electric stovetops are flat, you can put an induction burner or two right on top without losing any counter space.
Researchers create #double_haploid #watermelon plants via in vivo, seed-based haploid #induction system.
#double_haploid #watermelon #induction #cldmp3 #agriculture
I've been experimenting with induction cooking. I bought one of those ubiquituous Duxtop 1800W units.
Some results:
1. The surface is glass and far too smooth. There's not a lot of friction - it is too easy for a hot skillet or pot to slide off. That's rather dangerous.
2. The sliding gets worse if there are drops of water on the glass surface. Those turn to steam and form a nice gas bearing so that the skillet or pot slides as if it were on glare ice, sometimes under its own power. This is *extremely* dangerous.
These faults could probably be cured by having some groves in the cooking surface so that steam under the pot can vent and some texture to the glass to give some frictional resistance to prevent things from moving so easily.