12/34 What shaded-pole motors aren't, however, is energy-efficient.
Or quiet.
If you can afford a better unit, you don't want a shaded-pole motor.
And to avoid them, you need to watch out for the #marketing people out to ruin the world, as usual.
I've seen at least one #brand using shaded-pole motors but #advertising their fans as using an "AC induction motor".
#marketing #Brand #advertising #inductionmotor #acinductionmotor
Restarting The Grid When The Grid Is Off The Grid https://hackaday.com/2022/12/06/restarting-the-grid-when-the-grid-is-off-the-grid/ #inductionmotor #gridsimulator #oscilloscope #HighVoltage #alternator #substation #powergrid #exciter
#inductionmotor #gridsimulator #oscilloscope #highvoltage #alternator #substation #powergrid #exciter
Restarting The Grid When The Grid Is Off The Grid - If you watch YouTube long enough, it seems like going “off the grid” is all the ra... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/06/restarting-the-grid-when-the-grid-is-off-the-grid/ #inductionmotor #gridsimulator #oscilloscope #highvoltage #alternator #substation #powergrid #exciter
#exciter #powergrid #substation #alternator #highvoltage #oscilloscope #gridsimulator #inductionmotor