This attempt to cut the pay of public servants offends a basic British sense of fairness | Will Hutton
#PublicSectorPayMEWS #PublicServicesPolicyMEWS #PoliticsMEWS #PayMEWS #SocietyMEWS #UkNewsMEWS #Work&CareersMEWS #IndustrialActionMEWS #MoneyMEWS #ConservativesMEWS
The revered philosopher John Rawls had it right: most citizens believ...
#publicsectorpaymews #publicservicespolicymews #politicsmews #paymews #societymews #uknewsmews #work #industrialactionmews #moneymews #conservativesmews
First industrial action at Amazon UK hopes to strike at firm’s union hostility
#AmazonMEWS #TradeUnionsMEWS #IndustrialActionMEWS #E-commerceMEWS #BusinessMEWS #TechnologyMEWS
In Coventry, 300 GMB members plan to down tools over long hours, bad management and a 50p-an-hour pay riseAmazon workers at a vast depot in Coventry will stage a historic str...
#tradeunionsmews #industrialactionmews #e #businessmews #technologymews #amazonmews