@ricardoharvin Maybe people should emigrate from the US altogether. Flee the country while you still can, go to Canada or Mexico or maybe leave the continent altogether. If you want to stay in the US, better get ready for Civil War II - although it won't be one with a clear front line, more like enemies everywhere, guerrilla, everything falling apart, not just two blocks of federal states fighting against each other but states themselves breaking up into smaller pieces.
I am not an American, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but #IndustrialCivilisation as we know it is coming undone fast. The #IndustrialAge has been unsustainable right from the start, people have been talking about sustainability for the last 70 years, but nothing has happened to change the trajectory of our civilisation towards a sustainable economy because that would have meant the end of growth and a permanent global age of economic stagnation, which nobody wanted, especially since it would have been the end of #Capitalism . Like the #GreatDepression in the 1930s fuelled the rise of #Fascism , the looming #EndOfGrowth will probably cause a great number of those who are upper middle class or above to form some aggressive militant reactionary movement to keep their wealth and stay in power even if it means murdering millions, and they will blame whatever happens to the economy on "late Roman decadence" (the poor and the welfare state), "perversion and degeneracy" ( #LGBTQ+ ), immigrants, infidels, #BIPoC , and, of course, the Jews.
This will happen all over the world, so be careful where you run to. Radical fundamentalist Christians of all kinds, whether Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican, Presbyterian, etc., have been organising for decades and forming political networks even across theological boundaries in order to reverse the loss of power that the Christian religion once had over people's lives. Some Christians have always looked towards Islamic nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia with envy. All kinds of Fascists in have always been prone to alliances with religious fundamentalists. I think that during the coming Age of Breakdown, when the industrialised Capitalist world economy finally leaves the anabolic part of its history for good and enters the catabolic parts where it can only create decreasing profits for a shrinking number of capitalists by dismantling itself, the #Christofascist extreme right in the US will attempt to build a dictatorship like straight out of #TheHandmaidsTale . It will take on different shapes in other parts of the world, and there will probably always be regions where queers and freaks and "degenerates" can live in peace, but I don't think it is very wise to insist on being rooted in a certain spot in times like these. Better make the whole world your home and get ready to move to another place when things start looking bad where you are right now. Don't wait until they put you on a bus or a train.
#industrialcivilisation #industrialage #capitalism #greatdepression #fascism #endofgrowth #lgbtq #bipoc #christofascist #thehandmaidstale