> We concluded, as some writers in Germany and Czechoslovakia have also concluded, that the important fact of the present time is not the struggle between #capitalism and #socialism but the struggle between industrial civilization and #humanity...This view was reinforced.. by the extreme similarity between the #Bolshevik #commissary and the #American #TrustMagnate [#Capitalist]...
#BertrandRussel and #DoraRussel in _Prospects For #IndustrialCivilization in 1924
#capitalist #industrialcivilization #DoraRussel #bertrandrussel #trustmagnate #american #commissary #bolshevik #humanity #socialism #capitalism
> "Men and women cannot live every moment of their lives at the rational and disciplined level required in modem industrial societies..."
#Faster #Rapidification #DoraRussel #BertrandRussel
on #IndustrialCivilization in 1923 and 1957, way before Gleik in 1999 and Carr in the 2000's and the Pope in 2015.. Over a hundred years of inappropriate pacing...
#industrialcivilization #bertrandrussel #DoraRussel #Rapidification #faster
It's hard not to keep thinking about his book, _The Prospects of Industrial Civilization_ by #BertrandRussel and #DoraRussel. What they call "trivial pursuits and passivity" #LewisMumford called "semi-mental distraction"... and they are writing 50 or 60 years before proprietary SNSs, unless we can see commercial mainstream media as some sort of centralized SNS...
#industrialcivilization #dictatorship #oligarchy #LewisMumford #DoraRussel #bertrandrussel
> 水俣病が新発生/カニ食べた少年,魔の禁漁区は獲り放題/なお続発の恐れ https://minamata195651.jp/pdf/news/news_1956kara1960.pdf
Like Piya in #AmitavGhosh's #TheHungryTIde, I wish I knew more about #crabs.. Maybe they have a high tolerance, or affinity, for #OrganicMercury and other heavy metals, pollutants in general? While all other cathes were going down, #crab catches went up one year during a tough time in #Minamata. #水俣 #水俣病 #チッソ #チッソ病 #ザコポレーション #水銀 #mercury #MethylMercury #TheCorporation #IndustrialCivilization #Omnicide
#omnicide #industrialcivilization #thecorporation #MethylMercury #mercury #水銀 #ザコポレーション #チッソ病 #チッソ #水俣病 #水俣 #minamata #crab #OrganicMercury #crabs #TheHungryTide #AmitavGhosh
> The rock singer Saito Kazuyoshi rewrote his own hit song, “I Always Loved You” into an attack on the government and TEPCO called “They Were Always Lies”. When he put a live recording of the song on YouTube, it was immediately blocked and could not be seen on the Internet for some time.
#NoNukes #SaitoKazuyoshi #斎藤和義 #ずっとウソだった
#ToxicArchipelago #IndustrialCivilization #Omnicide
#omnicide #industrialcivilization #ToxicArchipelago #ずっとウソだった #斎藤和義 #SaitoKazuyoshi #nonukes
"Nationalism of one kind or another was the cause of most of the genocide of the twentieth century. Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people's brains and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead..."
#ArundhatiRoy on #Nationalism and the #flag reminding me of #DoraRussel and #BertrandRussel on the same topics AND on #industrialcivilization
#industrialcivilization #bertrandrussel #DoraRussel #flag #nationalism #arundhatiroy
"Because only an ant in a fable, as a creature deprived of reason and desire to do good, could think that work is a virtue, and could be proud of it... Zola says that work makes a person good; but.. the opposite: determined work, ant-like pride of one’s own #work makes not only an #ant, but a human cruel. The greatest villains of mankind... #nero and Peter the First, have always been particularly #busy"
#Tolstoy #Zola #Dumas on #bullshitjobs #IndustrialCivilization
#industrialcivilization #bullshitjobs #dumas #zola #tolstoy #busy #nero #ant #work
"#Socialism professes to be at once international and the champion of oppressed nations, while #capitalism favours nationalism as a method of distracting the working man from socialistic ideas: so long as he can be kept hating #foreigners, he will be less vigorous in hating #capitalists. All these factors are important in considering the conflict which is threatening to
destroy our #civilization."
#DoraRussel #bertrandrussel #IndustrialCivilization
#industrialcivilization #bertrandrussel #DoraRussel #civilization #capitalists #foreigners #capitalism #socialism
"The soldiers had been advised before the attack by army command that all who were found in My Lai could be considered VC or active VC sympathizers, and were told to destroy the village. They acted with extraordinary brutality, raping and torturing villagers before killing them and dragging dozens of people, including young children and babies, into a ditch and executing them with automatic weapons...."
#British #Amritsar is like #USA #MyLai #IndustrialCivilization
#industrialcivilization #mylai #usa #amritsar #british
"... Sunday 13 April 1919, the British military commander General REH Dyer entered the city of Amritsar in Punjab in northern India with a strike-force of 90 colonial troops and two armoured cars... Within 30 seconds of deploying his troops, and without warning, Dyer gave the order to open fire. From the vantage point of one of the nearby rooftops, an Indian eyewitness watched the ensuing carnage:... "
#nationlism #British #India #Amritsar #1920 #industrialcivilization
#industrialcivilization #amritsar #india #british #nationlism
"The beliefs of a #nationalist are different in every #country. The #Germans considered
their #Kultur... to be worth spreading at the cost of an #European #war; the #English... consider their own so preferable to every other as to be worth propagating by the #bayonet and the lash. ^...
^ ...Daily News, Jan. 6, 1920. Amzitsar made a stir, but the..interferences with freedom in India are taken.. whatever Government mav be in office."
#Russel #IndustrialCivilization
#industrialcivilization #russel #bayonet #english #war #european #kultur #germans #country #nationalist
"A person afflicted with nationalism believes that his own country is the most civilized and humane country in the world, while its enemies are guilty of every imaginable atrocity and vileness. Since they are so vile and atrocious, while we are so civilized and humane, there is no degree of vileness and atrocity which we may not legitimately practise towards them."
- https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.59284/2015.59284.The-Prospects-Of-Industrial-Civilization_djvu.txt
#nationalism #industrialcivilization #bertrandrussel
#bertrandrussel #industrialcivilization #nationalism
"... socialism, if it could be achieved vdthout prolonged war and industrial dislocation, could bring a very considerable degree of material well-being to the whole population, by exacting only four or five hours of daily labour from every adult citizen. And it would not need to be a centralized bureaucratic system"
#DoraRussel #BertrandRussel in #IndustrialCivilization 1923 sounding like #DavidGraeber in #BullshitJobs 2018
#bullshitjobs #davidgraeber #industrialcivilization #bertrandrussel #DoraRussel
"But poets have been challenged to resign the civic crown to reasoners and mechanists, on another plea. It is admitted that the exercise of the imagination is most delightful, but it is alleged that that of reason is more useful...
It was not until the eleventh century that the effects of the poetry of the Christian and chivalric systems began to manifest..
Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.."
#mechanists #poetry #Shelley #industrialcivilization
#industrialcivilization #Shelley #poetry #mechanists
"... the extreme similarity between the Bolshevik commissary and the American Trust magnate; both appeared as persons imbued with the importance of mechanism for its own sake, and of their own position as holders of the key to the clockwork."
#BertrandRussel and #DoraRussel on
#IndustrialCivilization #commissar #mandarin #American #USA #mechanist #bolshevik
#bolshevik #mechanist #usa #american #mandarin #commissar #industrialcivilization #DoraRussel #bertrandrussel
"作家、絵描き、詩人。多彩な人たちがカトマンズにいたけれど、異口同音に言っていたことが「TOO LATE」という言葉だったんです。もう地球は手遅れだ、と。現代文明が終わるという確信を、みんなが共通して持っていた。"
"人の内側に意識の次元上昇する目覚めが必要だという確信。意識の革命を「BE HERE NOW」とか「I AM THAT」という言葉で表していたのです。"
#文明 #IndustrialCivilization #正木高志 #TooLate #BeHereNow #IAmThat
#IAmThat #beherenow #toolate #正木高志 #industrialcivilization #文明
"Men and women cannot live every moment of their lives at the rational and disciplined level required in modem industrial societies. Psychiatry has revealed the wider and deeper aspects of human personality which seek expression in human relations, through the free adventuring of the imagination in the arts and sciences, the creative use of the senses." -- #DoraRussel with #BertrandRussel in a #book on #IndustrialCivilization in 1923.
#industrialcivilization #book #bertrandrussel #DoraRussel
"Especially relevant to present-day problems is the.. contention that industrial organisation, by its very nature, gives rise to oligarchy or dictatorship.. tending to destroy democracy.. and to impose upon the individual pressures and restraints that prevent his full life as a human being.. leading to trivial pursuits and passivity.. collective #rage and #hysteria."
#BertrandRussel #IndustrialCivilization #HumanScale #HumanPace #workrhythm #activityrhythm
#activityrhythm #workrhythm #HumanPace #humanscale #industrialcivilization #bertrandrussel #hysteria #rage
> Not merely a place where artifacts and documents are displayed, the Minamata Disease Museum's goal is raising questions about and beyond Minamata's facts, calling for a broader thinking on the way we make our living within the contemporary society.
- https://www.minamatadiseasemuseum.net/
#Minamata #MinamataDisease #GrassRoots #museum #Japan #industrialcivilization
#industrialcivilization #japan #museum #grassroots #MinamataDisease #minamata