Ars Technica: Microsoft finds vulnerabilities it says could be used to shut down power plants #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #microsoft #Security #codesys #Biz&IT
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #microsoft #security #codesys #biz
I have been searching for a solution to a problem, something that I expect has been "solved" at some point, but every time I find a link that may be the answer it is broken. Link rot is a thing.
So, this interview about development cycles and "future-proofing" was timely.
#ics #scada #industrialcontrolsystems
Malware circulating online wrangles industrial systems into a botnet
#Programmablelogiccontrollers #industrialcontrolsystems #malware #Biz&IT #ics
#Programmablelogiccontrollers #industrialcontrolsystems #malware #biz #ics
Industrial Cyberattacks Get Rarer but More Complex - The first half of 2020 saw decreases in attacks on most ICS sectors, but oil/gas firms and buildin... #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #mostrecentthreatlists #remotedesktopprotocol #buildingautomation #firsthalf2020 #remoteworking #attackvolume #cyberattacks #workfromhome #ransomware #kaspersky #thereport #covid-19 #malware #worms #iot #gas #oil
#oil #gas #iot #worms #malware #covid #thereport #kaspersky #ransomware #workfromhome #cyberattacks #attackvolume #remoteworking #firsthalf2020 #buildingautomation #remotedesktopprotocol #mostrecentthreatlists #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems
Critical Industrial Flaws Pose Patching Headache For Manufacturers - When it comes to patching critical flaws, industrial firms face various challenges - with some nee... #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #operationaltechnology #factorysecurity #patchchallenges #patchmanagement #sharonbrizinov #criticalpatch #manufacturing #vulnerability #industrial #codemeter #podcasts #claroty #podcast #patch #scada #ics #ot
#ot #ics #scada #patch #podcast #claroty #podcasts #codemeter #industrial #vulnerability #manufacturing #criticalpatch #sharonbrizinov #patchmanagement #patchchallenges #factorysecurity #operationaltechnology #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems
Severe Industrial Bugs Allow Takeover of Critical Systems - Researchers warn of critical vulnerabilities in a third-party industrial component used by top ICS... #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #remotecodeexecution #rockwellautomation #vulnerabilities #denialofservice #criticalflaws #wibu-systems #industrial #codemeter #simens #patch
#patch #simens #codemeter #industrial #wibu #criticalflaws #denialofservice #vulnerabilities #rockwellautomation #remotecodeexecution #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems
Podcast: Learning to ‘Speak the Language’ of OT Security Teams - Andrew Ginter, VP Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions, talks about the differing p... #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #operationaltechnology #podcasts #security #podcast #ics #it #ot
#ot #it #ics #podcast #security #podcasts #operationaltechnology #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems
Critical Bugs in Utilities VPNs Could Cause Physical Damage - Gear from Secomea, Moxa and HMS Networks are affected by remote code-execution flaws, researchers ... more: #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #operationaltechnology #remotecodeexecution #vulnerabilities #denialofservice #infrastructure #physicaldamage #cloudsecurity #securityflaws #vulnerability #remoteaccess #workfromhome #websecurity
#websecurity #workfromhome #remoteaccess #vulnerability #securityflaws #cloudsecurity #physicaldamage #infrastructure #denialofservice #vulnerabilities #remotecodeexecution #operationaltechnology #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems
NSA Urgently Warns on Industrial Cyberattacks, Triconex Critical Bug - Power plants, factories, oil and gas refineries and more are all in the sights of foreign adversar... more: #criticalsecurityvulnerability #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #oilandgasrefineries #foreignadversaries #vulnerabilities #cve-2020-7491 #cyberattacks #powerplants #government #factories #schneider #advisory #hacks
#hacks #advisory #schneider #factories #government #powerplants #cyberattacks #cve #vulnerabilities #foreignadversaries #oilandgasrefineries #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalsecurityvulnerability
Critical CODESYS Bug Allows Remote Code Execution - CVE-2020-10245, a heap-based buffer overflow that rates 10 out of 10 in severity, exists in the CO... more: #programmablelogiccontroller #heap-basedbufferoverflow #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #criticalvulnerability #vulnerabilities #cve-2020-10245 #websecurity #securitybug #webserver #codesys
#codesys #webserver #securitybug #websecurity #cve #vulnerabilities #criticalvulnerability #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems #heap #programmablelogiccontroller
RSAC 2020: Ransomware a ‘National Crisis,’ CISA Says, Ramps ICS Focus - The federal agency plans a slew of initiatives to address industrial control security this year. more: #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #industrycollaboration #christopherkrebs #2020initiatives #cybersecurity #rsaconference #government #priorities #ransomware #malware #rsac #cisa #ics
#ics #cisa #rsac #malware #ransomware #priorities #government #rsaconference #cybersecurity #2020initiatives #christopherkrebs #industrycollaboration #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems
Pwn2Own Miami Contestants Haul in $180K for Hacking ICS Equipment - The competition targets the systems that run critical infrastructure and more. more: #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #hackingcontest #flashbackteam #day1winners #day2winners #horstgoertz #inciteteam #bugbounty #claroty #pwn2own #hacks #miami #ics
#ics #miami #hacks #pwn2own #claroty #bugbounty #inciteteam #horstgoertz #day2winners #day1winners #flashbackteam #hackingcontest #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems