‘Absolute scandal’: #UAE state #oil firm able to read #Cop28 #ClimateSummit #emails | Cop28 | The Guardian
Why am I no surprised?
#Corruption #DataSecurity #Surveillance #IndustrialEspionage
#uae #oil #cop28 #climatesummit #emails #corruption #datasecurity #surveillance #industrialespionage
@Natanox this is why I refuse to use #Azure, #GCP and espechally #AWS:
Cuz I'd otherwise literally pay them to commit #IndustrialEspionage and illegal #Espionage for a foreign nation [Remember the #PRISM program is still up and runnig and all #GAFAM|s are still committing data to it!] and that would be a direct violation of confidentiality of every contract I ever had.
AKA: I'd be the scapegoat that gets sued beyond insolvency when shit inevitably hits the fan.
#gafam #prism #espionage #industrialespionage #AWS #gcp #azure
The Daring Ruse That Exposed China’s Campaign to Steal American Secrets. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/07/magazine/china-spying-intellectual-property.html #IndustrialEspionage
The Daring Ruse That Exposed China’s Campaign to Steal American Secrets - How the downfall of one intelligence agent revealed the astonishing depth of Chinese indu... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/07/magazine/china-spying-intellectual-property.html #espionageandintelligenceservices #computersandtheinternet #cyberwarfareanddefense #generalelectriccompany #intellectualproperty #industrialespionage #china
#china #industrialespionage #intellectualproperty #generalelectriccompany #cyberwarfareanddefense #computersandtheinternet #espionageandintelligenceservices
Press Release: A 40-year Step Backwards for Secure Communication
The UK government's Online Safety Bill wants to set back the state-of-the art for secure communication 40 years backwards. The proposal includes compulsory backdoors for communication platforms and wil
#Press #AthensAffair #CryptoWars #CryptoWars2.0 #DeepSec2023 #EUchatcontrolregulation #industrialespionage #OpenPGP #UKOnlineSafetyBill
#ukonlinesafetybill #openpgp #industrialespionage #euchatcontrolregulation #deepsec2023 #cryptowars2 #cryptowars #athensaffair #press
More #civil & #humanrights have been violated by one UK company than all others globally used for #espionage & #industrialespionage in all industries under the cover of #LawEnforcement by #CounterIntelligence #WhiteListedCriminals :
☣️🦈#GammaGroup☣️ #FinFisher 🦈☣️#FinSpy 🦈☣️ #Finsky 🦈☣️
🦈☣️https://gammatse.com 🦈☣️ & https://gammagroup.com 🦈☣️
#civil #humanrights #espionage #industrialespionage #lawenforcement #counterintelligence #whitelistedcriminals #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #rtdna #news #malware #infosec
More #civil & #humanrights have been violated by one UK company than all others globally used for #espionage & #industrialespionage :
☣️🦈#GammaGroup☣️ #FinFisher 🦈☣️#FinSpy 🦈☣️ #Finsky 🦈☣️
🦈☣️https://gammatse.com 🦈☣️ & https://gammagroup.com 🦈☣️
#civil #humanrights #espionage #industrialespionage #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #rtdna #news #malware #infosec
@msw If someone uses #aws they already pay for their own #IndustrialEspionage...
The Charioteer: A Roman Adventure Story by https://www.themself.org/2021/11/the-charioteer-a-roman-adventure-story-by-jemahl-evans-book-review/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #bookreview #charioteer #industrialespionage #jemahlevans #romanempire
#romanempire #jemahlevans #industrialespionage #charioteer #bookreview
@chucker @zorinlynx @patrick_h_lauke Corporations who use #Microsoft's #Govware despite #PRISM program being revealed and ongoing AND #CloudAct being existing really should reevaluate their existance.
Likewise with #AWS, #Azure & Co.: They literally pay for having #IndustrialEspionage done on them.
Also a good business will be able to setup a basic, static "Hub" website as homepage that has bookmarks for all the essential portals.
#industrialespionage #azure #AWS #cloudact #prism #govware #Microsoft
#Niskayuna engineer sentenced to two years in federal prison - He was convicted earlier of conspiracy to commit industrial espionage while working at GE - #Schenectady #SchenectadyNY #GeneralElectric #espionage #industrialespionage https://dailygazette.com/2023/01/03/niskayuna-engineer-sentenced-to-two-years-in-federal-prison/
#niskayuna #schenectady #schenectadyny #generalelectric #espionage #industrialespionage
@zakiuem @maxschrems @noybeu Instead the #USA have doubled-down on their #Espionage openly with #CloudAct which basically makes every corporation with an office [not just HQ] in the #USA act on behalf of it's #intelligence and #espionage services that also are known to openly support and act in terms of #IndustrialEspionage.
Basically doing what they constantly accuse the #PRC of...
#prc #industrialespionage #intelligence #cloudact #espionage #USA
My #infosec pinned Tweet from the birb site :
Which is about how State Sponsored Malware™ (#SSM™) from #GammaGroup's #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky red team script kiddy #spyware / #malware which is / was used to ruin my life by a criminal organization called #Meta & #Google who serves the #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky #C2 servers & uses the #GooglePlayStore & #AppleAppStore to #target 100's of millions of clients, just in America alone, for #IndustrialEspionage on a massive scale in the #BayArea #California.
#infosec #ssm #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #spyware #malware #meta #google #c2 #googleplaystore #appleappstore #target #industrialespionage #bayarea #california
My pinned Tweet from the birb site :
Which is about how State Sponsored Malware™ (#SSM™) from #GammaGroup's #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky red team script kiddy #spyware / #malware which is / was used to ruin my life by a criminal organization called #Meta & #Google who serves the #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky #C2 servers & uses the #GooglePlayStore & #AppleAppStore to #target 100's of millions of clients, just in America alone, for #IndustrialEspionage on a massive scale in the #BayArea #California.
#ssm #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #spyware #malware #meta #google #c2 #googleplaystore #appleappstore #target #industrialespionage #bayarea #california
My pinned Tweet from the birb site about how State Sponsored Malware™ (#SSM™) from #GammaGroup's #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky red team script kiddy #spyware / #malware which is / was used to ruin my life by a criminal organization called #Meta & #Google who serves the #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky #C2 servers & uses the #GooglePlayStore & #AppleAppStore to #target 100's of millions of clients, just in America alone for #IndustrialEspionage on a massive scale in the #BayArea #California.
#ssm #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #spyware #malware #meta #google #c2 #googleplaystore #appleappstore #target #industrialespionage #bayarea #california
@casey stealing the secrets of egg generation from chickens #IndustrialEspionage
Justice Dept. Charges 2 Chinese Citizens With Spying for Huawei - Huawei has been a persistent target of the United States government since the administrat... - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/24/us/politics/justice-dept-huawei.html #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #federalbureauofinvestigation #huaweitechnologiescoltd #politicsandgovernment #industrialespionage #justicedepartment #garlandmerrickb #elections #china
#china #elections #garlandmerrickb #justicedepartment #industrialespionage #politicsandgovernment #huaweitechnologiescoltd #federalbureauofinvestigation #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment
Hackers Exploit Autodesk Flaw in Recent Cyberespionage Attack - The popular Autodesk software was exploited in a recent cyberespionage campaign against an interna... https://threatpost.com/hackers-exploit-autodesk-flaw-in-recent-cyberespionage-attack/158669/ #industrialespionage #vulnerabilities #autodesk3dsmax #cyberespionage #websecurity #cyberattack #aptforhire #autodesk #hacker #apt
#apt #hacker #autodesk #aptforhire #cyberattack #websecurity #cyberespionage #autodesk3dsmax #vulnerabilities #industrialespionage
#russia #russianHacker #SergayBrin
#elite #intel #badactors #intellectualtheft #industrialEspionage #projectDragonfly
#badhacker #bondvillain
In cold war terms, Microsoft is 1970s Soviet bread lines - 1/3
#russia #russianhacker #sergaybrin #elite #intel #badactors #intellectualtheft #industrialespionage #projectdragonfly #badhacker #bondvillain
Pronto... Una serie de blog bulletin sobre como una micro empresa o una organización, a escala puede desenredarse de utilizar Google para su comunicación. #desgoogleate
Forthwith: A series of blog journals detailing how a micro collective or mini entrepreneur team can de googlify (untangle email/, sms/text) their entire communication tech including app ecosystem from Google's #deepstate #fascist clutches #industrialEspionage... Donation and tip accepted. Lol
#desgoogleate #deepstate #fascist #industrialespionage