Communism, on the other hand... https://thefederalist.com/2014/01/13/if-you-think-communism-is-bad-for-people-check-out-what-it-did-to-the-environment/
The real problem is not how the economy is organised, but industrialisation, especially when that was accomplished using fossil fuels. We can and must do better.
#capitalism #communism #industrialisation #environment
In some ways this seems to sum up a particular stage of #capitalism & #industrialisation:
US #photographer Margaret Bourke-White,' American Woolen Company, Lawrence Mass., 1935
[circauletd at the other place by WomensArt]
#capitalism #industrialisation #photographer #photography
It's striking that the closest the #Romans came to #industrialisation was massive waterwheel-powered plants, e.g. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbegal_aqueduct_and_mills
#romans #industrialisation #industrialrevolution #romanempire #history
It's striking that the closest the #Romans came to #industrialisation was massive waterwheel-powered plants, e.g. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbegal_aqueduct_and_mills
#romans #industrialisation #industrialrevolution #romanempire
« Vous ne prendriez jamais un médicament qui aurait été aussi peu testé que les produits du supermarché. »
Ces aliments ultratransformés qui peuvent vous rendre malade | Radio-Canada.ca
#alimentation #malbouffe #santepublique #environnement #sante #industrialisation #capitalisme
#Capitalisme #industrialisation #sante #Environnement #santepublique #malbouffe #alimentation
« Vous ne prendriez jamais un médicament qui aurait été aussi peu testé que les produits du supermarché. »
Ces aliments ultratransformés qui peuvent vous rendre malade | Radio-Canada.ca
#alimentation #malbouffe #santepublique #environnement #sante #industrialisation #capitalisme
#Capitalisme #industrialisation #sante #Environnement #santepublique #malbouffe #alimentation
"It is not only its use, but #technology itself that already constitutes domination (over nature and over people), a domination that is methodical, scientific, calculated and calculating. It is not only after the fact, and from outside, that certain ends and interests specific to domination are imposed on technology - these ends and interests are already part of the constitution of the technical apparatus itself. From the outset, technology is an entire socio-historical project."
#Quote from Herbert Marcuse, taken from his #book #Industrialisation and #Capitalism, 1964.
#progress #governance #technocriticism #ethics #engineering #science #quotes #AIEthics #digitalization #tech #techEthics @ethics
#Technology #quote #book #industrialisation #capitalism #progress #governance #technocriticism #ethics #engineering #science #quotes #aiethics #digitalization #tech #techethics
200 years before Henry Ford...
#industrialisation #manufacturing
#justintime #leanprinciples
#industrialisation #manufacturing #assemblylineproduction #justintime #leanprinciples #processarchitecture
Étudiant de l'École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie, Pedro Tavares Groke, en lien avec les projets d'Echelle Inconnue, mène son mémoire de fin d'études sur l'#industrialisation #contemporaine à l’œuvre à Port-Jérôme-sur-Seine. Il viendra présenter ses résultats de recherche dans le cadre d'un #DoctoratSauvageEnArchitecture le mercredi 15/02/2023 à 19H00
[11-13 rue St-Étienne des Tonneliers à #Rouen]
#industrialisation #contemporaine #doctoratsauvageenarchitecture #rouen
Across from Pollok House for over 300 years stood the village of Pollok Toon made infamous due to the Witches of Pollok... but aside from that largely forgotten. Guest blogger Stephen Watt investigates 👉 https://sghet.com/project/pollok-toon-glasgow-southside-vanished-village/ #Glasgow #history #industrialisation #urbanisation
#urbanisation #industrialisation #history #glasgow
Vous avez raté les #RencontresScenari2022 à #Lille ?
Pas de problème, les conférences ont été enregistrées 🤩
Retrouvez l'intervention de Alain Court & Vassili Froment du CICR :
📺 "Rétrospective du déploiement d'une solution Scenari au sein du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge – CICR"
Mots clés : #scenari #grandeStructure #industrialisation #learningSolutions #multiformat
#multiformat #learningsolutions #industrialisation #grandestructure #scenari #lille #RencontresScenari2022
Industrializing through global value chains? The case of the South African automotive industry
#gvc #industrialisation #development #industrialpolicy
The #message well I read, my #faith alone is weak 😱
📆 June 2021 "#Space is going through massive transformation and rapid #industrialisation, all around the world. For #Europe 🇪🇺 to maintain its leadership 😆, we must rethink the way we do space in Europe. We must adapt to fast #developments and anticipate new ones. We must set an ambitious - and disruptive - #space agenda for the future: Be more #dynamic, more #innovative, more risk-taking" - @ThierryBreton @bbcworld https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-57573698
#message #faith #space #industrialisation #Europe #developments #dynamic #innovative
To remind us of the importance of preserving life on our planet:
#pollution #savetheplanet #industrialisation #GlobalWarming #globalhealth
#pollution #savetheplanet #industrialisation #globalwarming #globalhealth
Here's a newsletter from Universiti Malaysia Pahang (#UMP) that follows up on our previous post and skepticism about Ahmed's et. al. 2022 study results indicating 'acceptably clean' #WQ for the Langat #river. The UMP newsletter points out that #Malaysian #riversystems continue to suffer from a myriad of anthropogenic pressures, incl. #urbanisation #industrialisation #agricultural intensification, and that there has been an 18% decline in viable rivers in the country.
#ump #wq #river #malaysian #riversystems #urbanisation #industrialisation #agricultural
#Industrialisation has always been a force inevitably aimed against non-human life forms.
With #LLM and #internetscale data merging with industrial complexes (private, military) for the first time industrialisation explicitly turns against the sacrosanct value of the life of #HomoSapiens
Unsurprisingly by devaluing the life’s work of digital #artists
Who is driving this? Who is aiming this force at the value of human life directly?
And why is nobody protesting?
#industrialisation #llm #internetscale #homosapiens #artists
The #message well I read, my #faith alone is weak 😱
📆 June 2021 "#Space is going through massive transformation and rapid #industrialisation, all around the world. For #Europe 🇪🇺 to maintain its leadership 😆, we must rethink the way we do space in Europe. We must adapt to fast #developments and anticipate new ones. We must set an ambitious - and disruptive - #space agenda for the future: Be more #dynamic, more #innovative, more risk-taking" - @ThierryBreton @bbcworld https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-57573698
#message #faith #space #industrialisation #Europe #developments #dynamic #innovative
#pollution #industrialisation #ecosysteme
"Designers will move on to do other things!" is what they always say: https://blog.diagram.com/p/introducing-magician - no they will not. I don't think it'll be long before marketing execs and managers will be the only ones interacting with design tools.
The skills we honed are being made redundant. They won't disappear, but we won't need millions of designers as we do now. Just a few for those that need stuff beyond the industrial solutions.
#industrialisation #ai #design
#EntendezVousLÉco, où j'apprends que la #sociétédeconsommation n'est pas une soudaine poussée de demande de produits manufacturés, mais surtout une poussée de l'#industrialisation dont le besoin de #rentabilité n'est possible que par la #surproduction.
#franceculture #ValérieGuillard #SophieDubuissonQuellier #podcast #baladodiffusion #économie #sociologie
#sociologie #économie #baladodiffusion #podcast #SophieDubuissonQuellier #ValérieGuillard #franceculture #surproduction #rentabilité #industrialisation #sociétédeconsommation #entendezvousléco