Remember when #socialmedia was still good? What was different? One major difference was that people weren’t #performing to make a living.
What’s really changed our communication fundamentally, is that #gamification combined with #industrialised #marketing has made it a career to perform a character online.
The new generation is not sending messages, it is making careers. And that produces a wholesale different language than just exchanging information.
#socialmedia #performing #gamification #industrialised #marketing #podcast
#ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #getup #petition #petitions #econotego #australia #tasmania #lutruwita #environment #climatechage #co2 #methane #capitalism #fascism #industrialised #health #OccupationalHealthandSafety #fyi #psa #humanrights #animalrights #earth #reality #science #nature
#AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #getup #petition #Petitions #econotego #australia #tasmania #lutruwita #environment #climatechage #co2 #methane #capitalism #fascism #industrialised #health #OccupationalHealthandSafety #fyi #psa #humanrights #animalrights #earth #reality #science #nature