@lokigwyn genre lâcher tous les moteurs ? #industrialsabotage #hippies #RévolutionVerte #revolutionpermanente
#industrialsabotage #hippies #revolutionverte #revolutionpermanente
#CarbonCredits #FossilFuels #IndustrialSabotage: "This methodology aims to quantify the carbon benefits of industrial sabotage and other direct actions in order to award them the carbon credits they are due, in the same way that other positive climate actions are rewarded. This is the goal of the Industrial Sabotage Methodology, which adopts existing approaches for calculating offsets from temporary carbon storage.
Direct climate actions that shut down or blockade fossil fuel projects are becoming increasingly common, and result in delaying or avoiding emissions for the period of the shut down. Actions that produce removals are less common but include guerilla gardening, tree planting, or preventing the destruction of existing carbon removal environments like wetlands and forests. To calculate the impact of direct actions in the first category, where emissions are delayed, we need to adopt a methodology that considers time. For example, what is the net benefit of delaying the burning of 1 metric tonne of coal for 1 day, 1 month, or 1 year? This is similar to the challenge of evaluating the benefit of short-term carbon storage, where carbon might be held in a plantation forest, in the soil, or in a storage facility for a period of time before reentering the atmosphere. From a physical standpoint, bringing a coal port to a standstill for a week is the same as temporarily storing the coal in the port for that same time period but with the added benefit of drawing public attention to the urgent need to transition away from the production, export, and combustion of fossil fuels.
Therefore, we assert that industrial sabotage should be considered a form of temporary carbon storage."
#CarbonCredits #fossilfuels #industrialsabotage