#ARCschedule Aug23
#DECRA #DE24 outcomes *might* be early, mid-to-late Aug.
Other events:
🔹#LaureateFellowships open…but not on Grants Calendar yet🤪
🔹Mid-Career #IndustryFellowships close & Laureates open.
🔹#LIEF #LE24 selection meeting.
#arcschedule #decra #de24 #laureatefellowships #industryfellowships #lief #le24
ARC says assessor scores will be given to (eligible) unsuccessful applicants in all schemes, not just #IndustryFellowships👍
Also looking into giving them to successful applicants👍
IMO: Maximise transparency – give Detailed Assessor scores at rejoinder stage with DA comments.
Assessor scores
Sen @MehreenFaruqi@twitter.com asked whether assessor scores will be given to applicants in all schemes, not just trial in #IndustryFellowships.
ARC: ✅
Sen: At rejoinder stage?
ARC: Maybe🙄
ARC: We're considering early triage of ~1/3rd of apps👍
Sen @MehreenFaruqi@twitter.com also asked about lack of a rejoinder stage causing problems in #IndustryFellowships
ARC: Dropping rejoinder done in consultation with sector; seen as less important than time.
Senator asks ARC to include this in review of these schemes
Sen @MehreenFaruqi@twitter.com questioned #IndustryFellowships assessment
Was industry partner $ contrib a deciding factor in Early & Mid-Career schemes?
ARC: Don't think so but will check😳
Assessors criticised EC apps for low $. Fair?
ARC: Will take on feedback🙄https://youtu.be/ju9T-pJ3vBI
ARC #SenateEstimates was last Friday night.
🔹#IndustryFellowships review needed
🔹Assessor scores for all schemes!
🔹Low-rank triage?
🔹3 months to approve grants?
🔹Outcomes emailed to applicants?
🔹ARC advice to #RaiseTheStipend?
🔹The unserious Opposition
#senateestimates #industryfellowships #raisethestipend
#ARCschedule May23
Outcomes for Early-career & Laureate #IndustryFellowships expected 11–25 & 16–30May.
Other events:
🔹#LinkageProjects #LP23r1 close, #LP23r2 open
🔹Rejoinders: #DiscoveryIndigenous #IN24
🔹Selecting meetings: #LP22r2 #FT23 #ITRP
#arcschedule #industryfellowships #linkageprojects #lp23r1 #lp23r2 #discoveryindigenous #in24 #lp22r2 #ft23 #itrp
#ARCschedule Apr23
Outcomes for mid-career #IndustryFellowships expected 24Apr–8May.
Other events highlighted👇:
🔹Rejoinders: #DECRA #DE24 close 13Apr
🔹Selection meetings: #LaureateFellowships #FL24 (12+13Apr)
#arcschedule #industryfellowships #decra #de24 #laureatefellowships #fl24
#IndustryFellowships NIT-picking has started.
ARC has requested edits to National Interest Test statements for #IL23 (Laureate) proposals.
Assume that not getting picked *doesn't* mean "not funded" & getting picked means it's more likely you'll be funded, but not certain.