Storied: San Francisco · @storiedSF
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Standard Deviant Brewing opened its Mission warehouse doors in the summer of 2016 and has been serving SF-made delicious beers unapologetically ever since. It's a magical, mythical "large space" (impossible to find in The City, amirite?) good for parties and small gatherings ... or just to pop in for a beer.

We're proud and honored to have Standard Deviant's support for our upcoming Sept. 7 Hungry Ghosts Music Night. The music starts at 7 p.m. that evening in the parklet in front of Mini Bar on Divisadero. Oh, and Mini Bar is now serving SD beer, so, yeah. Synergy!

#indybrewers #indybreweries #beer #breweries #missiondistrictsf #smallbusinesses #sanfrancisco #minibar #hungryghosts

Last updated 1 year ago