Good #comics mail day!
I backed Avery Hill 's spring slate; Ellice Weaver's Big Ugly (with natty matching book mark) arrived. Also treated myself to Zoe Thorogood's Impending Blindness of Billie Scott while I was at it.
Now all I need is time to read them! With two three-author panels to chair coming up soon, they may have to wait a few weeks!
#books #livres #GraphicNovels #BandeDessinee #bandesdessinée #AveryHill #ElliceWeaver #ZoeThorogood #IndyPublishing #bookstagram
#bookstagram #indypublishing #zoethorogood #elliceweaver #averyhill #bandesdessinee #bandedessinee #graphicnovels #livres #books #comics
The early front runner for the Best Place My Book Covers Have Ended Up So Far is this absolute stunner of a photo 😎 thanks so much Leah & Rea. Sisters understood the brief 💙.
Mont Blanc is in the background, and those of you who’ve read The MthR Trilogy will know that massif features heavily.
Happiest of writers today. Also had some other wonderful news yesterday which I’ll hopefully share soon.
#bookcover #DigitalBooks #ebooks #indypublishing
#indypublishing #ebooks #DigitalBooks #bookcover
I've decided to read 1 indy author book each month. I will read it, write a review on Amazon and do a review video on Tiktok. Leave your links and titles below. I will choose a book at random for my February pick 📖 ✔️ #indypublishing #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #indypublishing
Currently basking in the warm glow of lovely #writing chats ☺️ #Books, projects, #publishing, #indypublishing, new ideas. Just the kind of chat that is good for the soul.
Still dealing with twingy headaches, so no writing planned for day (even though I’m full of enthusiasm to get at it 🔥). It’s a day for lots of rest (and snacks!) so that I’m ready to go again soon 💪
Yay for #writingcommunity
#writingcommunity #indypublishing #publishing #books #writing