We also have Ko-fi, which we recently reset and updated after reaching the previous goal, but all pics and receipts are still up for anyone to see. ✨
Here's the entry we just wrote: https://ko-fi.com/post/Wednesday-June-21st-Update-Y8Y2MHV9I
We only have 3 HOURS! 😭🙏🏻✨
Tysm for the $20 on there, can anyone match this?
#EmergencyCrowdFund #MutualAidRequest #Kofi #Help #Donate #Urgent #ComradeCrowdFund #INeedRentRelief #DisabledFamily #QueerCouple #CatsAreFamily
#emergencycrowdfund #MutualAidRequest #kofi #help #donate #urgent #comradecrowdfund #ineedrentrelief #DisabledFamily #QueerCouple #catsarefamily
Yesterday management brought up our debt which is almost $2300 at this point, and they wanted payment.
Night before they mentioned it as well… 😰
#unhoused #inn #debt #ineedrentrelief #evictionrisk
We need to raise a minimum of $500 to pay down our shelter debt today, wish us luck 😭
#INeedRentRelief #MutualAidRequest #Crowdfund #TransCrowdFund #Fundraiser
#ineedrentrelief #MutualAidRequest #crowdfund #transcrowdfund #fundraiser
Thank you so much for the $35 toward my family avoiding eviction! 💖
Can anyone possibly match this? 🙏🏻
#INeedRentRelief #Unhoused #Inn #Debt #Eviction #EvictionRisk
#ineedrentrelief #unhoused #inn #debt #eviction #evictionrisk
‼️ Mutual Aid Needed ‼️
For this pride month, my fiance and I just wanna survive (as usual) & keep our cats safe. 🌈😺
We're both queer as fuck non-binary trans spoonies who escaped abuse and have been chronically unhoused for the majority of our time together since 2016.
We're also autistic, chronically ill, and plural/have DID.
Our situation is becoming increasingly less safe, and we urgently need help.
Here is our blog post from earlier:
✨ https://ko-fi.com/post/Just-Another-Blog-Entry--June-9-M4M8M3BYB ✨
Thank you so much for boosting, please consider donating to our survival fund, it would mean the world to us! 🙏🏻
#Cfs #Fibro #DID #Blog #Hungry #INeedRentRelief #OSDD #ActuallyAutistic #TimeSensitive #Comrades #MutualAid #Crowdfund
#cfs #fibro #did #blog #hungry #ineedrentrelief #osdd #actuallyautistic #timesensitive #comrades #MutualAid #crowdfund
We live at an inn but have been struggling to avoid eviction for months because our balance here has gotten too high. 😓
Our account is $452.63 in the negative, and the owner wanted $500 from us YESTERDAY, so we are panicking because we need $1000 today to be safe. 😰
The text conversation (2nd pic) with our safe person here was from Yesterday!
We don't have family, our friends cannot help us more than they already are, and we're struggling to get help from the county or state, so mutual aid has literally kept us all alive! ✨
#Eviction #Urgent #Debt #MutualAidRequest #Rent #Shelter #INeedRentRelief #CPTSD #Scared
#eviction #urgent #debt #MutualAidRequest #rent #shelter #ineedrentrelief #cptsd #scared
Haven’t been able to get caffeine or food, although someone did send $10 earlier, tysm! 💗
Urgent need is rent now since they’ve been on our ass with trying to catch up on our balance here… 😰
I want to pay the inn $400 TODAY so they won’t bring up eviction again this week. 🙏🏻
Can anyone match the $10? 🥺
#MutualAid #Request #INeedRentRelief #Cats #PeopleHelpingPeople #Crowdfund
#MutualAid #request #ineedrentrelief #cats #PeopleHelpingPeople #crowdfund
If we can't cover rent and get an eviction notice again today, it will be the third one this year since we've been falling so far behind on payments and our balance here at the inn was $1730 as of yesterday.
If we lose shelter, we have nowhere to go, and the shelter's in this entire (large) area can't take cats except for TNR's because they're all so overrun already. 😰
Our cats are all exclusively indoor cats...
We won't make it out there again, we are both too traumatized and ill. Neither of us have family, our few local friends can't help us anymore than they already have been, and we haven't been able to get any benefits from the state or government (who's surprised).
We are both obviously queer, autistic, severely agoraphobic, and terrified that we won't be able to raise the $500 we need TODAY in order to avoid eviction Again.
Have officially been awake for over 24 hours as of like 3 hours ago, crowdfunding non-stop with almost no results.
I'm fucking scared for our lives 😭
#INeedRentRelief #Comrades #Eviction #EvictionRisk #Shelter #Housing #Trauma #CPTSD #CultSurvivors #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #ChosenFamily #QueerCouple #CatsAreFamily #Cats #Kitties #CatsOfMastodon #Homeless #Unhoused #Inn #Debt
#AuDHD #chosenfamily #QueerCouple #catsarefamily #cats #kitties #catsofmastodon #homeless #unhoused #inn #debt #ineedrentrelief #comrades #eviction #evictionrisk #shelter #housing #trauma #cptsd #CultSurvivors #actuallyautistic
Thank you for the $20 toward avoiding eviction! 💖
Can anyone match this? 🥺
Now $477 from today's goal‼️
#MutualCrowdFund #INeedRentRelief #Shelter #Eviction #Urgent #LongCovid #CPTSD #Cfs #ActuallyAutistic
#mutualcrowdfund #ineedrentrelief #shelter #eviction #urgent #LongCovid #cptsd #cfs #actuallyautistic
Thank you to anyone who's donated, and here is an update that's stressing me the fuck out.
Comrades, my family is Less than 2 months from being housed if things go as planned, Please help us make it until then! 🙏🏻💗✨
#EmergencyCrowdFund #MutualAid #Request #MutualAidRequest #Donate #Kofi #Beg #Ask #HelpNeeded #Urgent #SurvivalFund #INeedRentRelief #Autistic #ChronicallyIll #CPTSD #LongCovid #Unhoused #Inn #Debt #Eviction #EvictionRisk #LongCovid
#emergencycrowdfund #MutualAid #request #MutualAidRequest #donate #kofi #beg #ask #helpneeded #urgent #SurvivalFund #ineedrentrelief #autistic #chronicallyill #cptsd #LongCovid #unhoused #inn #debt #eviction #evictionrisk
Only $515 from eviction now, thank you so much!!!! 😭💗✨
Please keep it up, every dollar helps! $octopuslaws8
#anarchy #ineedrentrelief #eviction #MutualAid #crowdfund
Currently $325 from eviction, every boost and $1 donated is extremely helpful!!! 🙏🏻💖🌸
#MutualAidRequest #INeedRentRelief #DisabilityCrowdFund #EvictionRisk #Unhoused #Inn #Debt #LongCovid
#MutualAidRequest #ineedrentrelief #disabilitycrowdfund #evictionrisk #unhoused #inn #debt #LongCovid
We also have Ko-fi if that's better! ✨
Please boost and donate, we're quickly running out of time and we haven't gotten donations all day! 😰
#TransCrowdFund #SurvivalFund #INeedRentRelief #Crowdfund #Fundraiser #Homeless #Unhoused #Disabled #LongCovid
#transcrowdfund #SurvivalFund #ineedrentrelief #crowdfund #fundraiser #homeless #unhoused #disabled #LongCovid
My family HAS to raise $450 TODAY, please share my 📌 to help us keep our kitties safe!!! 😰
#INeedRentRelief #Unhoused #Inn #ShelterDebt #Cats #Kitties #CatsOfMastodon #Urgent #EvictionRisk #Eviction
#ineedrentrelief #unhoused #inn #shelterdebt #cats #kitties #catsofmastodon #urgent #evictionrisk #eviction
My family will get another eviction notice if we can't come up with $600 by tonight, if anyone can help us get a little bit closer to this goal 😰
CashApp: $octopuslaws8
#ComradeCrowdFund #INeedRentRelief #Shelter #Unhoused #Inn #Debt #Help #Crowdfunding #MutualAidRequest
#comradecrowdfund #ineedrentrelief #shelter #unhoused #inn #debt #help #crowdfunding #MutualAidRequest
Fuck fuck fuck, we're almost out of time 😰
If you have a moment, please boost or donate, tysm 💗🙏🏻✨
#EmergencyCrowdFund #SurvivalFund #DisabilityCrowdFund #INeedRentRelief #LongCovid #Unhoused #Inn #Debt #Urgent
#emergencycrowdfund #SurvivalFund #disabilitycrowdfund #ineedrentrelief #LongCovid #unhoused #inn #debt #urgent
‼️Urgent Request - Pls Boost‼️
Unhoused autistic disabled non-binary couple with cats need help maintaining shelter until housed in 2 months! 🌸
We have to pay the inn $600 no later than TOMORROW, can you help us get $20 closer? 😟
CashApp: $octopuslaws8
PayPal: octopuslaws@gmail.com
Thank you for boosting!!! 🥺💗✨
#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #Crowdfund #Crowdfunding #Fundraiser #Unhoused #Shelter #Inn #ComradeCrowdFund #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #CPTSD #Trans #Nonbinary #CatsOfMastodon #Cashapp #INeedRentRelief #PluralGang #DID #TransCrowdFund #Request #Urgent
#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #crowdfund #crowdfunding #fundraiser #unhoused #shelter #inn #comradecrowdfund #actuallyautistic #AuDHD #cptsd #trans #nonbinary #catsofmastodon #cashapp #ineedrentrelief #pluralgang #did #transcrowdfund #request #urgent
After almost being evicted recently, they lowered our weekly rate to $600.
Long as we pay this, we can avoid problems, but today is our Last day & we're $420 from being safe. 😰
Can you help us get $10 closer? 🥺
#Emergency #Urgent #Shelter #Rent #Housing #INeedRentRelief #Cats #LongCovid #Chronicallylll
#emergency #urgent #shelter #rent #housing #ineedrentrelief #cats #LongCovid #Chronicallylll
I can't believe it's gotten this bad.
It was one thing walking until our feet bled because we had nowhere to go before the kitties, but now...
There are 8 of us total, and our friend is coming to help us move in with her out of state, but we really need more than two days to get packed and ready.
I'm so scared. 😭
#Autistic #Disabled #CPTSD #Unhoused #Homeless #INeedRentRelief #LongCovid #ChronicIllness #Crisis #Housing
#autistic #disabled #cptsd #unhoused #homeless #ineedrentrelief #LongCovid #chronicillness #crisis #housing
Trying to find the nerve to call the office and promise money we don't even have, but idk what else to do...
I know who's working, and they Will tell the owner our balance.
I feel so sick. 😰
#Scared #Shelter #CPTSD #Unhoused #Inn #Debt #INeedRentRelief #LongCovid
#scared #shelter #cptsd #unhoused #inn #debt #ineedrentrelief #LongCovid