If you're participating on inércia (either submitting entries or just voting) please email us for a votekey now rather then later. Just to avoid the peak traffic in critical hours. ;) http://inercia.pt deadline for entries is october 1st. #demoscene #inercia2020
you do drone music? you own a drone and captured good footage? well, http://inercia.pt has the perfect competition for you to submit some entries too. we'll combine the best of both worlds and livestream it to our audience. deadline for sumissions oct 1st! #inercia2020
Starting today's Inércia livestream now. We'll be doing a demoshow with best releases from Chaos Constructions demoparty. Come hang out with us! http://twitch.tv/psenough #demoscene #inercia2020 #chaosconstructions #demoshow
#demoshow #chaosconstructions #inercia2020 #demoscene
doing another inércia preparation stream http://twitch.tv/psenough #demoscene #inercia2020
Doing a livestream seminar tonight at 21:00 Lisbon time on "Teaching Yourself Demoscene in 14 Days", part of #inercia2020 Seminar September http://inercia.pt http://twitch.tv/psenough #demoscene #digitalarts #onlineclasses
#onlineclasses #digitalarts #demoscene #inercia2020
Tonight at 21:00 Lisbon timezone, first live test of Shader Royale, new shader coding format for #inercia2020 http://twitch.tv/psenough Guest coders flopine lunasorcery blackle evvvvil cosamentale and visy. Soundtrack shamelessly jacked from lug00ber 's stream. #demoscene
Will be doing a daily livestream of doing orga work for Inércia 2020 which is happening in about a month, every day around 21:00 Lisbon time on twitch or youtube. Here is the playlist on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjxyPjW-DeNV_N-tiEHbIGEGEJsaPOR2f #demoscene #inercia2020