Pulsed compression :

This is well worth watching, quite a bit more exciting than the recent successful experiment with confinement fusion net energy gain at the National Ignition Facility

is regularly producing fusion reactions now using temps of 100 million degrees. It's on a path to produce grid power directly from those fusion reactions without employing any heat exchangers or steam turbines.

Its technology can also produce the needed Helium-3 fusion fuel, making it a sustainable industry: It does this by producing Tritium, a valuable isotope which decays to Helium-3 within 12 years.

Helion has not yet reached net energy gain. But unlike other experimental fusion projects, it will immediately be able to start supplying electricity to the grid.

Helion's electricity-producing reactor is scheduled to be online by 2024.


#fusion #inertial #nif #helion

Last updated 2 years ago

Nicolas Barascud · @nbara
38 followers · 6 posts · Server sigmoid.social

Hi all, I’m a researcher working on brain-computer interfaces at Snap Inc.

My goal is to prove that noninvasive and can provide value outside of the lab.

Currently for me that includes (but does not limit to) applying methods to data like , but also other sensors like or sensors ()

Also a geek. I maintain an M/EEG analysis toolbox: github.com/nbara/python-meegki

#bci #neurofeedback #deeplearning #TimeSeries #eeg #eyetracking #inertial #imus #Python #Introduction #neuroscience #altac #neurotech

Last updated 2 years ago

Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11313 followers · 97998 posts · Server aspiechattr.me
Bazza · @bazza
479 followers · 4887 posts · Server mograph.social

La inercia de la silla va queriendo

#arte #art #4232cf #inertial #inercia #gravity #gravedad

Last updated 5 years ago