Kathleen Quinlan plays a 16 year old, admitted to a psych ward after attempting to take her own life. Retreating to a secret world, with its own language, feeling like she is poisonous.
Follows her progress, day to day interactions with staff and other patients.
i have a few misgivings about some of the depictions of mental health but there is a lot of good stuff in there, and a lot of catharsis, quite anxious watch in some parts. Also nice to see a psych ward where the staff are not out and out monsters.
Didn't like the ending much.
#HouseOfPsychoticWomen #films #letterboxd #INeverPromisedYouARoseGarden
'it's always the same. they want to make me friendly, fill me with happy lies, take away my symptoms, send me home. then what will i have left?'
#houseofpsychoticwomen #films #Letterboxd #ineverpromisedyouarosegarden