Is anyone able to ?
Any experts out there that can help identify if this is just a pimple or boil or pox?
I appreciate the help and boosts.
No I can't go to the doctor because of the holidays. And I'm too poor to afford A&E rn.
I can't tell as well if I'm feeling like shit because of the lack of sleep this week or if it's post covid illness. Online help is appreciated

#identifymonkeypox #monkeypox #mpxisairborne #mpx #infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseasenz #infectiousdiseaseepidemiology #infectiousdiseaseexperts

Last updated 2 years ago

Is anyone able to
Any experts out there that can help identify if this is just a pimple or boil or pox. I appreciate the help and boosts.
No I can't go to the doctor because of the holidays. And I'm too poor to afford A&E rn.
I can't tell as well if I'm feeling like shit because of the lack of sleep this week or if it's post covid illness. Online help is appreciated

#identifymonkeypox #monkeypox #mpxisairborne #mpx #infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseasenz #infectiousdiseaseepidemiology #infectiousdiseaseexperts

Last updated 2 years ago

Reposting my list of studies in case anyone needs to save them. I'll be adding more to it as time goes on.

outdoor transmission

“Do not listen to powers that be who pretend that getting infected w/ COVID multiple times is now no big deal. They’re asking you to lower your guard for a nasty virus that can invade the brain, disregulate the immune system and damage the vascular system”

The epidemiology of long COVID in 🇺🇸 adults
7,3% reported long covid

Prevalence of telogen effluvium hair loss in COVID-19 patients and its relationship with disease severity,several%20limitations%20to%20this%20study.

The Lancet: SARS-CoV-2-specific nasal IgA wanes 9 months after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and is not induced by subsequent vaccination

COVID-19: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Brain Damage

Transmission of SARS CoV-2 virus through the ocular mucosa worth taking precautions

Association between COVID-19 outcomes and mask mandates, adherence, and attitudes

Onset and window of SARS-CoV-2 infectiousness and temporal correlation with symptom onset: a prospective, longitudinal, community cohort study

Single-cell multiomics revealed the dynamics of antigen presentation, immune response and T cell activation in the COVID-19 positive and recovered individuals

Testing the Efficacy of the ‘Corsi-Rosenthal’ Box Fan Filter in an Active Classroom Environment

Incidence of New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes Among US Children During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic

PD-1 blockade counteracts post–COVID-19 immune abnormalities and stimulates the anti–SARS-CoV-2 immune response

Survival of SARS-CoV-2 on food surfaces: Introduction

Apparent risks of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome diagnoses after COVID-19 vaccination and SARS-Cov-2 Infection

You can get it in GooglePlay or AppStore long covid activity tracker​

"our data indicate an ongoing, sustained inflammatory response following even mild-to-moderate acute COVID-19, which is not found following prevalent coronavirus infection. The drivers of this activation require further investigation, but

The Lancet publishes a series of articles on how racism, xenophobia, and discrimination have measurable effects on health.

More proof COVID is a multi-system cluster bomb

“Things like heart attacks, or acute myocardial infarction occur quite proximally to getting COVID infection, but other conditions such as the clotting conditions – pulmonary embolism, for example — that risk was highest later in the course of COVID illness, highest around 14 to 60 days following COVID illness.”

Covid host manipulation

Masking works

Tooth loss

Covid and aids similarities

Covid kills immune system

Researchers argue that is essentially a neuro-inflammatory disease that starts in the nose & lungs, and ends up with gross immune system-mediated brain damage.

Repeat COVID-19 infections increase risk of organ failure, death
Researchers recommend masks, vaccines, vigilance to prevent reinfection

Epstein-Barr virus gH/gL has multiple sites of vulnerability for virus...

* Blood gene expression changes during acute COVID associate with subsequent PASC

* PASC associate with in total Ab levels but NOT anti-spike (S1) Ab levels

Nature: Molecular states during acute COVID-19 reveal distinct etiologies of long-term sequelae

"The Role of Leptin & Inflammatory Related Biomarkers

Conference abstract for Younger study involving "once-daily random plasma samples over 10–12 weeks"

Summary: "symptoms severity was associated with hyperleptinemia, inflammation and within-individual-variability of these biomarkers."

Why we need better masks

Asymptomatic is potentially worse

Gut microbiome

One way masking not enough

News article

Blog post with studies listed

Immune cells completely destroyed by covid

Acute and postacute sequelae associated with SARS-CoV-2 reinfection

SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1: So Different yet so Alike. Immune Response at the Cellular and Molecular Level

Accelerated biological aging in COVID-19 patients

COVID-19 Impairs Immune Response to Candida albicans

Durability of Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and Other Respiratory Viruses

Persistent alveolar type 2 dysfunction and lung structural derangement in post-acute COVID-19

Longitudinal Analysis of COVID-19 Patients Shows Age-Associated T Cell Changes Independent of Ongoing Ill-Health

How COVID-19 alters the immune system

Long-term perturbation of the peripheral immune system months after SARS-CoV-2 infection

Reduction and Functional Exhaustion of T Cells in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

T-cell recovery and evidence of persistent immune activation 12 months after severe COVID-19

Disruption in seasonality, patient characteristics and disparities of respiratory syncytial virus infection among young children in the US during and before the COVID-19 pandemic: 2010-2022

Asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 infection in children's tonsils

Analysis and comparison of SARS-CoV-2 variant antibodies and neutralizing activity for 6 months after a booster mRNA vaccine in a healthcare worker population

#covid #COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #covidstudies #infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseasenz #LongCovid #COVIDlonghauler #science

Last updated 2 years ago

We don't care if you have shitty politics. If you are willing to mask and use air purifiers, and keep yourself and others safe, we are willing to send/organize match making donations from donors direct.
That's what is all about.

#MutualAid #CovidIsNotOver #pandemicnz #infectiousdiseasenz #infectiousdiseases #MaskingWorks #MaskUp #nzpol #nzpolitics

Last updated 2 years ago

We don't care if you have shitty politics. If you are willing to mask and use air purifiers, and keep yourself and others safe, we are willing to send/organize match making donations from donors direct.
That's what is all about.

#MutualAid #CovidIsNotOver #pandemicnz #infectiousdiseasenz #infectiousdiseases #MaskingWorks #MaskUp

Last updated 2 years ago

I've been getting some small dots on my arm after
I can't photo them on my phone but they are like slightly darker than my usual skin colour and small little dots all over my forearm mostly around the hair follicles. Does anyone know what this could be in regards to

#covid #LongCovid #persistentcovid #longcovidsequalae #infectiousdiseases #infectiousdiseasenz #sequalae #help

Last updated 2 years ago

We love clean air and masks.
Follow us if you want to help others get good masks and air purifiers.
And if you just want to share our existence to the people of so that we can both collect donations and so that we can redistribute said donations.
Follow us if you need masks and purifiers
Follow us if you want to give masks and purifiers

Let's keep each other safe. 💪
Let us be masketeers together 💪💪

#Aoteaora #nzpol #disability #pathogens #infectiousdiseasenz #NZTwit #N95s #AotearoaNZ

Last updated 2 years ago

We want to help keep people in this country safe from the disability that covid and other viruses cause.
If you are already disabled then doubly so. Reinfection can and does cause irreparable damage to all organs and causes blood clots.
The government is not giving out correct messaging or protection. So we must look after each other as a result.

Protect yours and others bodies by masking. they are the only bodies you will ever have.

#MutualAid #mutualaidnz #maskmutualaidnz #airpurificationnz #cleanairnz #pandemicsafeconditions #disabiliy #NZTwits #NZTwitter #nztwitts #nztweeter #NZToots #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #persistentcovid #permanentdisability #infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseasenz #protectagainstcovid #maskingisgood #noshameinmasking

Last updated 2 years ago