#IDMastodon @jamanetworkopen Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of #InfectiveEndocarditis in Adults
A @wiki_guidelines Group Consensus Statement
#IDMastodon #infectiveendocarditis
#IDMastodon #Cardiomastodon @ISID_org VGS species in #infectiveendocarditis patients with #Mitralvalveprolapse .In this #clinicalinvestigstion ,🔑 findings are that S. mitis represented the majority of VGS cases & despite reports of #Penicillin resistance in VGS in up to 40% of S. mitis isolates from blood cultures in patients with and without IE . No penicillin resistance was identified .
📌 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1201971223001224?dgcid=raven_sd_aip_email
#IDMastodon #cardiomastodon #infectiveendocarditis #mitralvalveprolapse #clinicalinvestigstion #penicillin
RT @SeguraCardio
📌#InfectiveEndocarditis After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: @JACCJournals #StateOfTheArt #Review
#infectiveendocarditis #stateoftheart #review #cardiotwitter #CardioEd #tavr