Today is the official start of the MLB season. I am curious to see the changes the new rules make in the excitement of the game and in the length of the game. If you are unaware of the new rules, here are the four main ones I know about.
1, The pitcher will now have a pitch clock. The pitcher will have 15 seconds to realease his pitch with bases empty, 20 seconds with players on base. If the pitcher does not release the pitch on time, the pitch will automatically count as a ball. The batter must be in the batters box by the 8th second, or the pitch is an automatic strike. there will be 30 seconds between batters.
2, Restrictions on the infield defensive shifts. No more infield player shifts. At the time of each pitch, there has to be a minimum of 4 infield players, two on each side of second base. All infield players must be on the dirt of the infield.
3, Bigger bases. Bases are now 18 square inches, up from 15. This will make bases closer together encouraging more steals.
4, PITCHER Disengagement. The pitcher is only allowed 2 disengagements per batter. This can include, stepping off the mound, faking or throwing to another base drawing back a runner, plus more. Disengagements slow down the game, so now they are limited 2 per batter.
These rules were but in place to help speed up the game, and to possibly allow batters a chance to get more base hits, putting more action and excitement into the game.
#MLB #Rules #Pitcher #clock #Infield #Bases #Disengagement
#mlb #rules #pitcher #clock #infield #bases #disengagement