Hello from l the Biscuit Barrel. We’ve been baking again: something a little mellower for winter days, to help keep you warm. Enjoy, and check out the full vid over at youtu.be/OgPL9WqVyrc

#keyboards #guitar #uprightbass #police #drums #music #covers #infinitebiscuits #cover

Last updated 2 years ago

More wonderful to share with you lovely people. This one should tweak a few brain cells, we lived playing it. That is a Rikkers, btw, and it’s gorgeous. Andrea is on , Moby is on guitar, and Paul is on and .

Let me know what you think. We live doing this stuff, it’s all very new.


#newmusic #musicians #musiciansofmastodon #musiciansonmastodon #drums #vocals #keyboards #guitar #bass #music #infinitebiscuits

Last updated 2 years ago

I made new with my new , ! We’re incredibly pleased to bring you a reinterpretation of an Ed Sheeran number. Stay with me. I play , and my amazing friends Paul, Moby and Andrea do everything else. Moby did the mixing and video production, Paul does the logos. THEY ARE ALL AMAZING.



#guitar #bass #funky #infinitebiscuits #band #music

Last updated 2 years ago