Doomscrolling. That's the reason why we're still sitting on the toilet at 1am.
#AlastairSomerville #InfiniteScrolling #NoFooterNoBoundariesNoOrientation #WIAD #WIAD23 #WIADch
#wiadch #wiad23 #wiad #nofooternoboundariesnoorientation #infinitescrolling #alastairsomerville
Is there any #search engine that still returns paginated results with page numbers and next/previous links you can click/tap that actually navigate to another page? I want something that does not have #infinitescrolling or “more results” buttons.
Is there any #search engine that still returns paginated results with page numbers and next/previous links you can click/tap that actually navigate to another page? I want something that does not #infinitescrolling or “more results” buttons.
I love to scroll around! An intimate relationship with addiction to a scrollbar.
#performance #publicart #scrollbar #infinitescrolling #berlin
#berlin #infinitescrolling #scrollbar #publicart #performance
@pixelfed sorry to be the party pooper but this is a major red flag and something you are strongly suggested to reconsider
It has been beyond documented and studied in peer reviewed research that #infinitescrolling creates addictive experiences, designed by an industry that thrives on ads and #surveillancecapitalism
I am fairly certain you do not wish to be on their side of this ethical issue.
#infinitescrolling #surveillancecapitalism