Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease is a condition in which fat builds up in one’s liver and can cause damage over time. This condition is more prevalent among #IBD patients compared with the general population and needs further study.
#crohns #crohnsdisease #crohnscolitis #crohnsandcolitis #inflammatoryboweldisease #crohnsfighter #crohnswarrior #crohnsdiseaseawareness #crohnsawareness #ibdwarrior #ibdawareness #NonAlcoholicFattyLiverDisease #liverdisease #
#IBD #Crohns #crohnsdisease #crohnscolitis #crohnsandcolitis #inflammatoryboweldisease #crohnsfighter #crohnswarrior #crohnsdiseaseawareness #crohnsawareness #ibdwarrior #ibdawareness #nonalcoholicfattyliverdisease #liverdisease
The Tyee: Naked Truths from Sex Worker GoAskAlex #bcnews #TheTyee - via #NorthAmericanpornindustry #Inflammatoryboweldisease #Crohn’sandColitisCanada #abdominalcolectomy #ulcerativecolitis #neurodivergent #onlinesexwork #ileostomy #OnlyFans #Metis
#BCNews #TheTyee #northamericanpornindustry #inflammatoryboweldisease #crohn #abdominalcolectomy #ulcerativecolitis #neurodivergent #onlinesexwork #ileostomy #onlyfans #Metis
Treg cells are a category of T cells whose properties make them a candidate for potential treatment therapies for #IBD. We eagerly await the outcome of clinical trials using this approach that are currently underway.
#crohns #crohnscolitis #crohnsandcolitis #inflammatoryboweldisease #treg #tcells #tcell
#IBD #Crohns #crohnscolitis #crohnsandcolitis #inflammatoryboweldisease #treg #tcells #TCell
This is a great, thought-provoking piece about the use of biomarkers in making treatment decisions and predicting disease course in #IBD, including how errors are sometimes made when operating on the basis of traditional assumptions.
#Crohns #Crohnsdisease #IBD #InflammatoryBowelDisease #biomarkers
#IBD #Crohns #crohnsdisease #inflammatoryboweldisease #biomarkers
Study links inflammatory bowel disease to increased risk of stroke | The Independent
#IBD #inflammatoryboweldisease #strokes #stroke #crohns #crohnsdisease #Ulcerativecolitis #ischemicstroke #haemorrhagicstroke
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: 'Infect and forget': A dose of hookworms could help patients manage #inflammatoryboweldisease
Rise in #IBD among young kids..
The rest of the headline is somewhat misleading.
“The diets we consume today are significantly different from those of previous generations, including our grandparents’ generation. As societies become more westernized and adopt these dietary changes, it appears to act as a catalyst for the emergence of immune-mediated diseases, as observed in the case of #InflammatoryBowelDisease.”
#IBD #inflammatoryboweldisease
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Study gives insight into cause of severe #inflammatoryboweldisease
Second-year medical student Melody Brown-Clark uses her experience and comedy skills to speak with patients and investigate the connection between pediatric #InflammatoryBowelDisease and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder.
Today, after us fighting for over 2 years for every gram of his weight, our beloved #NorwegianForest Bolero's time to pass on had finally come. During his best life, he had over 6 kg, yesterday barely 3.5 kg.
His head was still very much in the game but his body couldn't keep up with his will to live. So we did the humane thing and took him one final to the vet.
#norwegianforest #cats #euthanasia #inflammatoryboweldisease
@LizzieNiCaisealain never had that dental procedure (yet), but that crohn stuff - oh yeah. Fibromyalgie on top (or whatever any physician likes to call that muscle-pain/fatigue/migraine/not being able to do anything-syndrome). Fatigue is a real POS (and not just being really tired).
Today is another "stay in bed and wait for the tablet to work" - day. 😑
#spoonie #inflammatoryboweldisease #Crohns #migraine #fibromyalgia #Pacing #fatigue
My #ibd #inflammatoryboweldisease #cat vomitted 3 separate times today...Its saturday but I emailed his 9-5 specialist bc I don't want to let this go...they've been giving me lot's of suggestions to stop his vomitting but nothing works...have had ultrasound, endoscopy/biopsy...I know there is more...grateful for pet insurance and my mom as I can't afford helping him otherwise...
#IBD #inflammatoryboweldisease #cat
This is #cat Johann...I had a $5000 edoscopy done in september. Used up the rest of his (gastro intestinal) pet insurance till found outside rocks in his since then when he wanted to go outside he wears a helmet...Johann has #felineIbd #inflammatoryboweldisease I will probably have to call the vet again bc he still has issues like vomitting esp on my roommates bed and soft poop/diarrhea...but I love him and he's cute!
#cat #felineibd #inflammatoryboweldisease
Intro post: I'm a physician-scientist in #Gastroenterology at #UniversityOfMichigan. My training is in #Epidemiology, #virology, and #InflammatoryBowelDisease. I study the gut #microbiome and host #immunity. As a #queer person in #medicine, I advocate for #LGBTQ health and #inclusive research.
For your trouble, here's a photo of some mucin.
#Gastroenterology #UniversityofMichigan #epidemiology #virology #inflammatoryboweldisease #microbiome #immunity #queer #medicine #lgbtq #inclusive
Looking for more Clinically Vulnerable people / households on Mastodon.
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As part of a larger international team we are looking for a #postdoc with a passion for #bioinformatics and #microbiomes. Our large Norges forskningsråd funded project at the University of Stavanger in #Norway with collaborators at Stavanger University Hospital, Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen and Biologické centrum AV ČR, v.v.i. in České Budějovice aims to understand the role of #intestinal #microbial #eukaryotes on #inflammatoryboweldisease (#IBD).
#postdoc #bioinformatics #microbiomes #Norway #intestinal #microbial #eukaryotes #inflammatoryboweldisease #IBD
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RT by @physorg_com: Environmental chemicals increase risk of #inflammatoryboweldisease @brighamwomens @nature
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RT by @physorg_com: How a Japanese herbal medicine protects the gut against #inflammatoryboweldisease @riken_en @frontiersin