Distortion of Breakfast Price Hikes Leaves WSJ With Egg on Face. At the same time these companies are acting like their hands are tied by supply disruptions, their profits have skyrocketed.
@nathaliaassaad @DanFell @pkrugman
America has no history of devaluation. Why would that be a factor in the US economy?
While there were some supply line problems, they were generally brief.
A few areas (eg used cars) clearly were supply/demand mismatches. But food and energy had the sharpest inflation and their supply is more easily expandable.
With 2 years of corp earnings bragging about profit margins, it's pretty clear to me price gouging is the main driver
Larry Summers: “Ask for higher wages, your job will vaporize. And then us old rich fucks will scream ‘nobody wants to work’.” #eatthefuckingrich #LarrySummers #reaganomics #inflationispricegouging
#eatthefuckingrich #LarrySummers #Reaganomics #inflationispricegouging
Fairness according to Tory Chair, Nadhim Zawahi:
Unfair: Strikes at Christmas
Fair: Working families going without heat due to energy co price gouging.
#enoughisenough #inflationispricegouging #suppprtstrikers
@redfrog well, here's another reason for companies to hike already high food prices even higher 🤬 #inflationispricegouging #greenissues
#inflationispricegouging #greenissues