Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2290 followers · 7163 posts · Server zirk.us

Pretty unsurprisingly, when there is a & (whatever the rhetoric of the 'wage-price' cycle causing ) what we're seeing is a record withdrawal of funds from easy access accounts....

£4.6bn has been withdrawn in a month (the highest level since monthly records began in 1997).

People (who have been lucky enough to be able to) have put money aside for a rainy day.... and & have certainly ensured its raining on us all.

#Costoflivingcrisis #wages #inflaton #savings #RishiSunak #jeremyhunt

Last updated 1 year ago

Hari Tulsidas :verified: · @haritulsidas
91 followers · 697 posts · Server masto.ai

Physicists have proposed a new theory to explain the origin of the universe. They suggest that the universe was born from a quantum fluctuation of an inflaton field, which drove a rapid expansion of space. The theory could solve some of the mysteries of cosmology and quantum gravity.


#universe #inflaton #cosmology

Last updated 1 year ago

Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1419 followers · 3953 posts · Server mastodon.scot