SecurityAffairs: Meta disrupted two influence campaigns from China and Russia #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #influencecampaigns #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #SocialNetworks #BreakingNews #Intelligence #SecurityNews #hackingnews #Hacking #Meta #APT
#informationsecuritynews #itinformationsecurity #influencecampaigns #pierluigipaganini #securityaffairs #socialnetworks #breakingnews #intelligence #securitynews #hackingnews #hacking #meta #apt
It pains me how automated #MassSurveillance and #proprietary corporate #malware being used for automated #InfluenceCampaigns is apparently too abstract for some of my family to understand or care about.
It doesn't even matter if I provide references & explanations on how it works, the "but we're not interesting" (completely failing to understand the automation aspect) mental block seems insurmountable and short-circuits any actual thinking about the matter.
Why is this a problem?
#masssurveillance #proprietary #malware #influencecampaigns
AI can be a powerful tool that can help shape the future of humanity. But it is important to remember that the power of AI can be used for both good and bad. #AI #InfluenceCampaigns #PoliticallyMotivated #Mandiant #Google #U.S.Cybersecurity
#ai #influencecampaigns #politicallymotivated #mandiant #google #u
Google Play Bans Stalkerware and ‘Misrepresentation’ - The official app store is taking on spy- and surveillance-ware, along with apps that could be used... #coordinatedactivity #influencecampaigns #politicalinfluence #misrepresentation #mobilesecurity #election2020 #surveillance #websecurity #stalkerware #googleplay #monitoring #malware #privacy #spyware #google #ban
#ban #google #spyware #privacy #malware #monitoring #googleplay #stalkerware #websecurity #surveillance #election2020 #mobilesecurity #misrepresentation #politicalinfluence #influencecampaigns #coordinatedactivity
U.S. Voter Databases Offered for Free on Dark Web, Report - Some underground forum users said they're monetizing the information through the State Department'... #rewardsforjusticeprogram #influencecampaigns #undergroundforum #vulnerabilities #statedepartment #voterdatabases #cloudsecurity #sqlinjection #unitedstates #websecurity #connecticut #government #kommersant #michigan #phishing #privacy #breach #russia
#russia #breach #privacy #phishing #michigan #kommersant #government #connecticut #websecurity #unitedstates #sqlinjection #cloudsecurity #voterdatabases #statedepartment #vulnerabilities #undergroundforum #influencecampaigns #rewardsforjusticeprogram
Shoring Up the 2020 Election: Secure Vote Tallies Aren’t the Problem - With many in the public sphere warning about a potential compromise of the integrity of the Presid... #2020presidentialelection #criticalinfrastructure #stateandlocalresources #influencecampaigns #pollinginformation #vulnerabilities #onlineresources #statesponsored #votingmachines #cybersecurity #mailinvoting #websecurity #nationstate #government
#government #nationstate #websecurity #mailinvoting #cybersecurity #votingmachines #statesponsored #onlineresources #vulnerabilities #pollinginformation #influencecampaigns #stateandlocalresources #criticalinfrastructure #2020presidentialelection
Google Updates Ad Policies to Counter Influence Campaigns, Extortion - Starting Sept. 1, Google will crack down on misinformation, a lack of transparency and the ability... #hackedpoliticalmaterialspolicy #2020presidentialelection #misrepresentationpolicy #influencecampaigns #disinformation #misinformation #transparency #websecurity #government #googleads #adpolicy #fakenews #dnchack #google #hacks
#hacks #google #dnchack #fakenews #adpolicy #googleads #government #websecurity #transparency #misinformation #disinformation #influencecampaigns #misrepresentationpolicy #2020presidentialelection #hackedpoliticalmaterialspolicy
Twitter Disrupts Wide-Ranging Political Disinformation Campaigns - This removal, of 32K accounts, is not the first time Twitter has taken action to protect its users... more: #influencecampaigns #politicalinfluence #accountremoval #disinformation #websecurity #nationstate #socialmedia #hongkong #twitter #russia #turkey #china
#china #turkey #russia #twitter #hongkong #socialmedia #nationstate #websecurity #disinformation #accountremoval #politicalinfluence #influencecampaigns
‘Hack-For-Hire’ Firms Spoof WHO To Target Google Credentials - Google TAG report reveals that "hack for hire" firms are tapping into the coronavirus pandemic via... more: #influencecampaigns #googlecredentials #spearphishing #cyberattacks #websecurity #coronavirus #hackforhire #googletag #activity #covid-19 #phishing #who
#who #phishing #covid #activity #googletag #hackforhire #coronavirus #websecurity #cyberattacks #spearphishing #googlecredentials #influencecampaigns