La Profe :verificado: · @ShairaLeiza
104 followers · 519 posts · Server
El Mostrador (mirror) · @elmostrador
702 followers · 13282 posts · Server

Declaran Emergencia Agrícola en Provincia de por avance de

#influenzaaviar #concepcion

Last updated 2 years ago

El Mostrador (mirror) · @elmostrador
680 followers · 9651 posts · Server

AGENDA PAÍS| : especialista entrega recomendaciones para evitar contagios


Last updated 2 years ago

El Mostrador (mirror) · @elmostrador
680 followers · 9606 posts · Server

confirma segundo caso de en un lobo marino en Chile

#influenzaaviar #sernapesca

Last updated 2 years ago

El Mostrador (mirror) · @elmostrador
676 followers · 8932 posts · Server

Confirman primer caso de en lobo marino en

#chile #influenzaaviar

Last updated 2 years ago

aaleaaa :verified: · @gangue
14 followers · 99 posts · Server

Y bueno, en otros temas, hacen llamado a la calma (hay pocos casos de influenza en humanos) pero informan también que la tasa de mortalidad es bastante alta. Por favor eviten a las aves que agonizan y cadáveres de las mismas.

#gripeaviar #Peru #influenzaaviar

Last updated 2 years ago

El Mostrador (mirror) · @elmostrador
669 followers · 8431 posts · Server

confirmó primer caso de en aves domésticas

#influenzaaviar #sag

Last updated 2 years ago

Laurel · @LaurelQuarrel
22 followers · 140 posts · Server


You saw this then:
Actualidad Ambiental
🚨Se confirma en 3 lobos marinos muertos en Lima y un delfín, proveniente de Paita (Piura), según oficio del
. Además, se esperan los resultados de un león del zoológico municipal de Huancayo. (1/5)

@SerforPeruThe National Agrarian Health Service of Peru (Senasa) reported that a dolphin and three sea lions that days ago were found dead on the Peruvian coast had avian influenza type A (H5N1).

Through a letter addressed to the Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Disease Control of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), Senasa confirmed this information after analyzing the sea lions found on the Lima coast and the dolphin found in Paita (Piura).
contagion in humans

Although the common route of contagion of H5N1 avian influenza is airborne and not exactly through bites, zootechnical veterinarian Carlos Calvo pointed out that proximity to infected mammals puts humans at risk.

Therefore, people who have had contact with a sea lion with or without signs of illness or other mammals should go to a health center to be treated or monitored.

Likewise, the personnel in charge of handling the corpses must have all the biosafety protocols as a precaution.

Senasa urged citizens to continue reporting any case of domestic bird mortality to the cell phone: 946 922 469 or to the email, with the aim of reducing the risk of spreading the disease.

For its part, the National Forest and Wildlife Service (Sefor) recalls that if we find stranded animals such as sea lions on the coast, we must keep our distance and inform Alerta Serfor, through a WhatsApp message at 947 588 269 .

Then there's this:
ref: @ProfBillMcGuire
Volcanologist, climate scientist, broadcaster, activist, socialist, best-selling author

& H5N1 is now in mice, voles, otters and foxes.

If it jumps to humans we could be in big, big, trouble.

So far, around half of all humans who have caught the virus directly from birds, have died. As far as I know there is no record of human to human transmission. All have been in close proximity to birds.

"In a sane world we'd be being proactive and throwing everything at this... In a sane world."

Bird flu outlook is ‘grim’ as new wave of the virus heads for Britain. Warning comes as ornithologists call for the government to step up testing to monitor the impact of the deadly H5N1 strain

#alerta #influenzaaviar #Vegan

Last updated 2 years ago

Ingrid Soria · @Ingridsoria
39 followers · 920 posts · Server


⚠️[Atención] Si observas aves silvestres enfermas o muertas cerca de tu domicilio o en las playas reporta inmediatamente a al 946922469 y al 974 588 269


#influenzaaviar #miraflorestecuida

Last updated 2 years ago

Cyberjuan · @Cyberjuan
14 followers · 84 posts · Server


Bueno amigos llegó el momento de hacer el hilo de la o que recientemente llegó al Perú 🐔🐓🦠
Para que se informen y no anden creyendo que se vino la pandemia del 2022-2023


#influenzaaviar #gripeaviar

Last updated 2 years ago

Hoja De Ruta · @hojaderuta
16 followers · 264 posts · Server

🔴🔴 @AgriculturaEc informó que el brote aviar detectado en una granja de no representa un problema de contagio para la salud pública.

#saludpublica #influenzaaviar #hojaderuta #cotopaxi #atencion #Ecuador

Last updated 2 years ago

Juan Celis · @DrJuanCelis
3 followers · 8 posts · Server