der #Proxmox Plan wurde etwas abgeändert. Nachdem #EVCC und #AdGuard laufen werde ich morgen versuchen #mqtt und #nodered zum laufen zu bekommen.
Danach darf dann EVCC an den MQTT Broker kommunizieren und sobald das läuft installiere ich #influx und #grafana.
#NodeRed wird dann die für mich interessanten Langzeitdaten in die #influxdb übermitterln und in #grafana werde ich dass dann irgendwann auslesen/darstellen
und wenn das alles läuft, dann ist #homeassistant dran
#proxmox #evcc #adguard #mqtt #nodered #influx #grafana #influxdb #homeassistant
I still #wonder how #opera s #servers can #handle all that #data #influx.
I mean - sure.
If you #disable #images that can be done #clientside
But #compression ?
That requires #communicating with their server that replies with the page instead
Also #TheInternet ™ now thinks I'm from #Netherland
#wonder #opera #servers #handle #data #influx #disable #images #clientside #compression #communicating #theinternet #netherland
Where should I configure my #log drain? To syslog server? I'd prefer something else like #influx ... Any hints? #followerpower
#Influx failt weiter: Man kann den Account, den sie gerade einseitig zugemacht haben nicht umziehen, weil geht nicht.
Been on and off trying to figure out what has been writing 500GB/day to my server's cache drive for the last several months. The culprit seems to be influxdb - specifically something with one database.
I don't know enough about influx to do any real diagnosis. At first I thought maybe there was something sending data to the database to cause the writes, but even removing the container from the network didn't stop the writes. It's something in the data for the specific database - when I backed up the data and restored it to a different container, the writes immediately resumed..
So I've dropped that database, writes have fallen, and I'm still logging the data. I'll see if the writes/sec grow over time from here.
Listening to Anna B Savage's brand new album, in|FLUX. Inventive and unusual, and a step on from its brilliant predecessor, A Common Turn.
#AnnaBSavage #influx #acommonturn
Working on getting my #Emporia data sucked into @homeassistant using #influx and #grafana. Already noticing something weird with my usage within the Emporia app and being able to graph things out is helping me troubleshoot. Something weird is happening with my HVAC power usage...
#Recommeded #AsianCanadian #ChineseCanadian #documentary #film to watch.
Julia Kwan’s #FeatureLength documentary 'Everything Will Be' captures a significant moment of time in #Vancouver ’s #Chinatown , with the influx of condos & new, non-Chinese businesses. The film follows a year in the life of several Chinatown #denizens , including a 90-year-old Chinese newspaper street vendor & a second-generation tea shop owner, as they navigate this #community #InFlux .
#recommeded #asiancanadian #chinesecanadian #documentary #film #vancouver #chinatown #denizens #community #influx #FeatureLength
Fun, this already paid off. Yesterday I installed Grafana on a separate (tiny) EC2 instance to start keeping an eye on the (not much bigger) instance that runs, and for starters I added Telegraf, to get basic information about CPU, memory, etc use.
About 30 minutes ago the server started throwing 500 errors and with the graphs I soon realized that it was matter of the root partition filling up. Darn logs!
#grafana #influx #influxdb #telegraf #aws #ec2 #logs
#English Support your Mastodon server/instance/admin if you can afford it. I am not able to make monthly donations just now, but I did donate a modest amount through ko-fi where you can make one off donations. Most #Mastodon instances are free to use and are the work of volunteers. The great #influx means that it costs more money to keep the servers running. Buy them a ☕ when you can!
#Nederlands Indien financieel mogelijk, probeer vooral nu je server/ instance/ admin te steunen. Dat hoeft niet met een groot bedrag te zijn. En ook niet per se maandelijks. Ik zou dat nu zelf ook niet aankunnen. Er zijn mogelijkheden om kleine donaties te doen, zoals bijvoorbeeld via ko-fi. Ik heb dit zopas gedaan omdat de meeste #Mastodon instances gratis zijn. Al het werk gebeurt vrijwillig en de kosten zijn voor de @admin Door de grote #instroom kost het meer om servers te laten draaien. Uiteraard geen probleem met mensen die geen cent kunnen missen. Maandelijks doneren zou voor mij ook niet haalbaar zijn. Maar alle beetjes helpen, zoals de prijs van een kopje koffie! ☕
#instroom #nederlands #influx #Mastodon #english
@andypiper @cl she has 2 others: #Exodus and #Influx that help with mastodon account discovery and import. The discovery uses #BluebirdPS
Oh, my most recent toot from fed timeline is 34m ago. I guess there's another #influx ongoing.
@sarabandbooks very happy to find you here! Hoping other independent presses appear here soon too! #galleybeggar #fitzcarraldo #influx #verso #7stories #sortofbooks etc
#galleybeggar #fitzcarraldo #influx #verso #7stories #sortofbooks
Sorry Fediverse. It must suck to have all of us "late adopters" here. I'll do my best to fit in!
I wonder… As Elon is asking for $8/month for the full Twitter experience, how about #Mastodon instances charge like $1/month to solve the funding issues for servers? Or just set up a patreon? #influx #twitterrefugees #twitter #elon #musk — cc @tchambers
#musk #elon #twitter #twitterrefugees #influx #mastodon
dann #goodLuck das morgen alles reibungslos klappt..
bei den zahlen von ca 80k/24h an #influx dieses wochenende wie ein bot mir "erzählte" ist das wohl auch notwendig
@trendless Loving @mastohost which is getting slammed. 2 threads at 100% with 100 active users at medium latency under the #influx.
#Introduction Hi y'all! I'm not a newbie to tech in general, but I often feel like a newbie due to the breadth and depth of technology, especially software (and infrastructure)!
I sort of fell into IT through a random job that promoted me based on a "logic" test. :D
I have experience in #C, #COBOL, some #ruby, a tiny old crumb of #java, but most recently #go / #golang. *NIX wins, imho. PC for home, Mac for work. Spent some time in the #cloud. The team I'm on for work is in a decent-sized retailer, and our focus is Observability. #influx #elasticsearch #grafana #timeseries and some cool home-grown products. We support internal customers (other teams and platforms), and I love answering questions!
I'm married to my lovely wife, and our babies all have fur. I live in a brick house built in 1888. I love old houses, even though there's not a right angle or standard size left!
If it's horror, I love it - movies, books, objects. I'm a little #goth at heart (though I'm an Old Bat now).
GU #hoya (BSLA Russian Language). Breast cancer survivor. Sardonic and frequently inappropriate sense of humor. 😈
#introduction #golang #c #cobol #go #elasticsearch #timeseries #java #cloud #influx #grafana #hoya #ruby #goth
Day 1: Remember old #mastodon account
Day 2: Consider #PrivateInstance
Day 3: Become #MastoAdmin
Day 4: Upgrade #MastoHost hosting tier to handle #influx
Day 5: Install Desktop Client
#mastodon #PrivateInstance #mastoadmin #MastoHost #influx