der #Proxmox Plan wurde etwas abgeändert. Nachdem #EVCC und #AdGuard laufen werde ich morgen versuchen #mqtt und #nodered zum laufen zu bekommen.
Danach darf dann EVCC an den MQTT Broker kommunizieren und sobald das läuft installiere ich #influx und #grafana.
#NodeRed wird dann die für mich interessanten Langzeitdaten in die #influxdb übermitterln und in #grafana werde ich dass dann irgendwann auslesen/darstellen
und wenn das alles läuft, dann ist #homeassistant dran
#proxmox #evcc #adguard #mqtt #nodered #influx #grafana #influxdb #homeassistant
Slighlty disappointing to see #Influxdb 3's release saying it's "45x faster than Open Source" (referring to the Influx OSS version), and moving to a fully cloud-hosted system... And yet another rewrite, of course.
#timescale's TSL license feels more sensible, keeping the code open source and usable. We think they found a sustainable middle ground for their software, especially compared to what Influx just did.
Tällainen kuvaaja piti haetuista tuulitiedoista väsätä, ihan että näin, voiko sellaisen tehdä. Voi. Tarvitsi Apache Echarts -pluginin Grafanaan. Ehkä en silti käytä tätä kuvaajaa missään. #influxdb #grafana #opendata #digitraffic
#digitraffic #opendata #grafana #influxdb
Harmillista, kun jää tuollaisia roskatietueita (joissa lukee 'maksimituuoli' tai muuta virheellistä) InfluxDB:hen, vaikka ne ei siellä mitään haittaakaan. On niin samperin työlästä se poistaminen, että pian tuhoan kaiken, jos lähden räpeltämään. #influxdb
Something different/related: How do you decide between #InfluxDB 1.8 and 2.x? Why is there a v3, but not really because that's IOx?
I just want an efficient time series database. First sweep brought up #telegraf as the best tool to add data from things. I assumed, I should use InfluxDB with it. But am overwhelmed by options now.
Got this #MiBand7 connected to #gadgetbridge running on my #grapheneOS #pixel6 last night. Extremely quick and painless process! Next step is to sync up the data to #InfluxDb to create a #Grafana dashboard for my healh stats! #selfhosted #wearables
#miband7 #gadgetbridge #grapheneos #Pixel6 #influxdb #grafana #selfhosted #wearables
#Influxdb 2 se ani neohřála a už si v Influxdata řekli: Po 2 letech od doby, co jsme vydali verzi 2, si uděláme nový refactoring a napíšeme si to celé znova, tentokrát v Rustu, a bude verze 3! Určitě to bude rychlejší než opravit těch ~1700 issues, co máme na Githubu.
Anyone moved from #InfluxDB to #Prometheus
At beging I had just simple wifi router on work desk. I did add home server later. Then I decided to improve wifi coverage with two individual APs and later replace simple wifi router with dedicated router and switch. So mess around my work desk was changing and increasing in time.
#homelab #server #opnsens #network #woodwork #diy #homeassistant #nextcloud #grafan #influxdb #docker
#homelab #server #opnsens #network #woodwork #diy #homeassistant #nextcloud #grafan #influxdb #docker
The s390x open source team at IBM works to get the latest versions of open source software running for #Linux on #IBMZ and in June 2023 currency was maintained for 2 dozen projects, including #ApacheTomcat, #Gluster & #InfluxDB ! ✨
Full report at #LinuxONE
#Linux #ibmz #ApacheTomcat #gluster #influxdb #linuxone
There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now.
#influxdb #influxdata
it appears that #InfluxData have shut off their GCP europe-west1 buckets and a ton of people weren't actually notified? biiiig yikes...
Functional telemetry from the (#Juniper) PTX10008s now, two days before I go on vacation. Feeling pretty good about it. Mostly just needed some very minor fixes in Skogul. Mainly because the PTX seems to send and _empty_ "parent_ae_name" string for interfaces not part of an aggregate, instead of just omitting it entirely, which the MX does (well, at least the non10k-MXes), and influx doesn't like empty tags... Added a small workaround and voila, an additional 16 000 counters in #influxdb.
I made a thing! It is a tool to export some stats from a #Lemmy database into #InfluxDB so that you can then make some sweet looking charts in #Grafana!
.@NordicTweets nRF52840-based RAK Link ONE all-in-one LPWAN #IoT development kit tested with #LoRaWAN and open-source software such as #ChipStark, @NodeRED, #InfluxDB, and #Grafana. #arduino #review #tutorial #lpwan #NBIOT
Original tweet :
#nbiot #LPWAN #tutorial #review #arduino #grafana #influxdb #chipstark #lorawan #iot
When considering #PHP #applicationsmonitoring, it’s essential to #monitor not only the application itself but the services on which the application depends, as well as the infrastructure hosting the application.
#servermonitoring #systemadministrator #systemengineers #devops #projectmanager #telegraf #influxdb #grafana
#php #applicationsmonitoring #monitor #servermonitoring #systemadministrator #systemengineers #devops #projectmanager #telegraf #influxdb #grafana
Figured out how to use the `integral` function in Flux queries to turn my solar power into an estimate of total energy. Then did the same with my ambient brightness data to create a made-up unit called "lux-hours". I wanted to see if I could roughly chart cloud cover (as measured by my office brightness) against solar generation. This calculated data matches the stats in the Tesla app, so I think I nailed it! My understanding of Calculus paying off in the real world! #InfluxDB #Grafana #math
Nyt sujahtaa mittaus- ja ilmoitustiedot Grohe-laitteilta InfluxDB-kantaan ja kotiautomaatiojärjestelmääni. Mittaustietoja on mm. ilmankosteudet, lämpötilat, veden paine, veden kulutus ja veden maksimivirtaus. #ohjelmointi #kotiautomaatio #influxdb #python #grohe
#grohe #python #influxdb #kotiautomaatio #ohjelmointi