Did laundry today. Realized I have more Zork t-shirts than the average person probably has or ever will have. https://youtu.be/4nigRT2KmCE?si=sCnPX1OWxSMT48E8 #zork #infocom #c64 #retrogaming #mcfrontalot
#mcfrontalot #retrogaming #c64 #infocom #zork
#writever 20. Données
🗺️ dans la ville des résultats :
- Nous n’avons plus le choix, il faut leur apprendre à construire des bases de données propres, ordonnées, exploitables…
-Non je rigole 🤣. T’imagines ? Genre, avec Excel et tout…
Pendant ce temps la, les fiches individuelles par onglet continuaient de se multiplier, avec leurs étages de cellules fusionnées.
Les analystes regardaient les montagnes de requêtes se dresser, graduellement, devant eux.
#Writever #designfiction #recherche #infocom
Zork Crossstitch
Here's the kind of minor-yet-cool thing that I love to see, a crossstitch project based off of the first room of Zork, but with a little extra when viewed at night!
Zork Crossstitch project (tumblr)
#niche #retro #craft #crossstitch #grue #if #infocom #interactivefiction #niche #retro #tumblr #whitehouse #zork
#niche #retro #craft #crossstitch #grue #if #infocom #interactivefiction #tumblr #whitehouse #zork
A surprising story in John Romero's memoir: apparently Activision hired his startup Inside Out Software to finish Brian Moriarty's #Infocom game Timesync, left unfinished when Moriarty moved to #LucasArts. I suppose the project was abandoned when Inside Out fell apart.
Notice Romero uses the spelling "Timesync" rather than the more usually seen "Timesink".
Also, apparently the game had enough graphics for Inside Out to hire a dedicated artist for it. #johnromero
#infocom #lucasarts #johnromero
A surprising story in
John Romero's memoir: apparently Activision hired his startup Inside Out Software to finish Brian Moriarty's #Infocom game Timesync, left unfinished when Moriarty moved to #LucasArts. I suppose the project was abandoned when Inside Out fell apart.
Notice Romero uses the spelling "Timesync" rather than the more usually seen "Timesink".
Also, apparently the game had enough graphics for Inside Out to hire a dedicated artist for it. #johnromero
#infocom #lucasarts #johnromero
Anyone remember the Graphic Adventure Creator?
Originally made for the #Amstrad #CPC, my experience of it was from a #YourSinclair covertape.
Anyway, it's been on my list to attempt porting it to #Psion #EPOC16 for ages. It's not top priority, but the machine is perfectly designed for playing #textadventure games (see @root42's escapades with #Infocom).
Be great if it could decompile and play old games, too.
#retrocomputing #Psion3 #adventure
#adventure #psion3 #retrocomputing #infocom #textadventure #epoc16 #psion #yoursinclair #cpc #amstrad
I'll pick a subset of my favorite games that also intersect with the set of games which are the inspirations for and influences upon my new game Slartboz:
1. NetHack
2. Infocom's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
3. Steve Jackson's Illuminati
and 4 more (imo) masterpieces which, I hope, you'll be able to tell once you see and get to play Slartboz for your very self
#7gamestoknowme #nethack #roguelike #hhgg #hhgttg #douglasadams #infocom #textadventures #interactivefiction #illuminati
I remember when I had the attention span required to play Trinity.😉
Here's the comic book that accompanied the game.
#oppenheimer #trinity #infocom
This is *amazing*: a #CrossStitch tribute to the legendary #TextAdventure game #Zork with two of its most iconic lines.
Be sure to click through for the heartwarming story behind it.
You can buy a PDF of the pattern (not the physical product!) from its creator here: https://brokenneedle.gumroad.com/l/westofhouse
#gaming #VideoGames #Infocom #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #PDP10 #PDP11 #TRS80 #AppleII #Apple2 #Commodore64 #C64 #Commodore #Atari #CPM #DOS #MSDOS #IBMPC
#crossstitch #textadventure #zork #gaming #videogames #infocom #retrocomputing #retrogaming #pdp10 #pdp11 #trs80 #appleii #apple2 #commodore64 #c64 #commodore #atari #cpm #dos #msdos #ibmpc
Slartboz: The Danger Shades
#hhgg #hhgttg #hitchhikers #hitchhikersguide #douglasadams #mostlyharmless #games #indiegames #retrogaming #roguelike #tui #infocom #textgames #textadventures #interactivefiction #comedy #funny #dystopia
is a game, so meant to be Fun
and Funny. (well, it tries to be funny)
so expect:
* satire
* parody
* mockery
* farce
* pranks & pratfalls
* in-jokes
* hip/dank memes
* puns
* alliteration
* rhyme & meter play
* homonyms
* allusion & innuendo
* Dad Jokes
* absurdity
* tangents & asides -- sometimes quite fractally & to a ridiculous degree
#roguelike #terminals #asciiart #ansiart #infocom #textadventure #interactivefiction #retrogames #indiegame #indiegamedev #dystopia #utopia
I gave an update today on the computer game I'm making. (UPTHREAD from this toot!)
so wanted to use this toot to add content tags so the progress news & the game itself is more findable
#roguelike #curses #terminals #asciiart #ansiart #infocom #textadventure #interactivefiction #retrogames #indiegame #indiegamedev #fallout #idiocracy #hhgg #hhgttg #princessbride #theprincessbride #climate #ecosystems #pollution #democracy #propaganda #brainwashing #cults #dystopia #utopia
Please suggest #CRPG or #adventure games with environment-interaction on at least the level of #Ultima 5++, Divine Divinity, Divinity: Original Sin, #Oblivion, Skyrim, #Nethack, or a well-modeled #Infocom /
#MagneticScrolls / #TADS / #Inform -level #TextAdventure — objects are movable or at least destructible, items “physically” exist in the world and aren’t just transfered from one menu to another (inventory), things can be in or on other things…
I am tired of games that are all gloss and surface with just the plot-relevant things being interactable.
Bonus points for elemental physics (water, fire, etc.), day/night/weather/climate, and basic needs simulation like needing to stay warm, fed, etc.
Reluctant malus points for pure dungeon crawls, although I do in principle adore games like Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah of M&M, and Monomyth.
Serious malus points for turn-based games with party micro-management. Single-player much preferred.
Fantasy also much preferred.
#textadventure #inform #tads #magneticscrolls #infocom #nethack #oblivion #ultima #adventure #crpg
Slartboz -- the new computer game I'm making -- is partly a homage to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams. I am a huge fan, loved the ideas and its style, and had always wished more books/shows/games/utensils existed like it in the world.
Even if our long scheduled in advance global apocalypse is hurtling towards us, ready to begin surely Any Day Now and in fact may have Already Begun But Sneakily.
#hhgg #douglasadams #infocom #games #indiegame #gamedesign #comedy #scifi
a few of my projects underway, with hashtags, so findable:
#Fallout #Idiocracy #HHGG #Infocom #IF #InteractiveFiction #TextAdventure #RogueLike #DwarfFortress #dystopia #utopia #PostApoc #Mutants #Parody #Satire #Educational #democracy #climate #ecosystems #propaganda #retro #SciFi #irreverent #Orwell #1984 #RPG #Paranoia #Taipan #OregonTrail
The Dread Space Pirate Richard (DSPR)
#stories #fiction #ThePrincessBride #PrincessBride #HHGG #romcom #romance #serials #SciFi #comedy
#fallout #idiocracy #hhgg #infocom #if #interactivefiction #textadventure #roguelike #dwarffortress #dystopia #utopia #postapoc #mutants #parody #satire #educational #democracy #climate #ecosystems #propaganda #retro #scifi #irreverent #orwell #rpg #paranoia #taipan #oregontrail #stories #fiction #theprincessbride #princessbride #romcom #romance #serials #comedy