Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1432 followers · 101687 posts · Server

@maxi sorry for me & aboit ...

#paymentsystems #rant #infodump

Last updated 1 year ago

꧁~Cea~꧂ · @alcea
42 followers · 2770 posts · Server

Why do some put their in their ?

Or worse..
"Beat x"

I mean.
Good... You handled it...

But isn't it kinda it to sensitive things like that ??

It might be and , but don't overburden with things you'd never on like that.

It's kinda and ..

(I have a feeling I'd know how most ppls bio'd look if everyone did this.. :ablobcatknitsweats: )

#people #medical #history #bio #disease #pushing #billboard #free #socialmedia #infodump #strangers #irl #scary #frightening #ramblingsalcea

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1344 followers · 93446 posts · Server


Last updated 1 year ago

Petra · @PetraPhoenix
354 followers · 2620 posts · Server

In pre-internet times I was once described as a "reader of leaflets" as I wouldn't walk past a badly printed trifold leaflet without reading it.
They were always the work of an individual who had spent a good deal of time in the library, seeking out nuggets of interest.

Essentially it was a way to without access to social media threads.

So, what would your leaflet be on?
Please, tell me about your area of interest & give me your fascinating nuggets of information!


#infodump #boost

Last updated 1 year ago

Sanna, uupukakkelinäkijä · @riimiton
627 followers · 1829 posts · Server

Jokojokojoko!?¿¡!! Haluan uuden teeman jotta saan lätkäistä listalle ekan biisin joka osuu kohdalle ja harmitella koko viikon ku löydän kuus parempaa, joita ois voinu käyttää :blobcatbigsob:

Mut oikeesti: tän kilpailun avulla oon löytäny uutta musiikkia ainaisen iwillkillmyself-metallin rinnalle 💕 YHTÄÄN tuota metallia väheksymättä sillä ironisesti se on auttanu jaksamaan kaikki ne mustimmat hetket.

#infodump #emk #eliitinmusakisa

Last updated 2 years ago

Jami · @JamiJR
32 followers · 324 posts · Server
🍂 Fritillaria 🍂 · @Fritillaria2
329 followers · 7282 posts · Server

@JimsPhotos Those are sporophytes, the spore producing structures of moss. This is wild: it’s the stage of the life cycle with two sets of chromosomes. The green part only has one set. For reference: our sperm and eggs have only one set each. So, this is like our eggs and sperm becoming multicellular and growing up before fertilization.

This is exactly backwards from humans. Our haploid cells are wholly dependent on us. For moss, it’s the diploid form that is wholly dependent.


Last updated 2 years ago

Ovro · @ovro
54 followers · 235 posts · Server

@skorpio Seems to me there isn't a word for this. That means I can try to coin one!

This calls for a word that is both descriptive and a tad silly. Avalanche? No, !

Usage examples:
- I got auvalanched* by my partner yesterday.
- Oh? With what?
- Few hundred rogue bishops in 1980's USA**.
- Cool!

- I was auvalanched with rogue bishops yesterday.

* pronounced about the same as "avalanche".
** True story.

#autisticJoy #ActuallyAutistic #infodump #auvalanche

Last updated 2 years ago

Is there a word for the situation where you find yourself buried under ?

#infodump #justasking #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

330 followers · 736 posts · Server

I don’t know about you but I would GLADLY listen to Fred from about the 30,000-year history of hunting nets. It really warms my heart hearing people about the stuff they’re passionate about!

#infodump #infodumping #scoobydoo

Last updated 2 years ago

330 followers · 736 posts · Server

🧠 InfoDump Zone 🧠

Feel free to use this post to about your favourite (or just any random ) in the comments! It can be anything you want! (But be nice — no naughty stuff! 😉)

I love learning new things and find therapeutic! Among people like myself it’s like a love language, but it’s often masked because society deems it “unacceptable” or “no one asked”... Let’s change that and let’s share what we’re passionate about and new things!

#learn #autistic #infodumping #facts #specialinterests #infodump

Last updated 2 years ago

Autism Memes ∞ · @aspiememes
287 followers · 661 posts · Server

As an autistic person, my special interests can lead to some intense info dumps. Sorry in advance to anyone who gets caught in the crossfire.

#sorrynotsorry #infodump #specialinterests #autism

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Eszett
16 followers · 57 posts · Server

My . Lots of other obsessions but these are the ones I go back to over and over.

Feel free to share yours.

#terrypratchett #metal #sandman #puppetry #rowing #GermanLanguage #bees #infodump #SpecialInterests #adhd

Last updated 2 years ago

The Neurodive · @the_neurodive
19 followers · 28 posts · Server

Saturday 17th
Remember last week, when I encouraged you to research your interests? Well today it’s time to infodump! And - most importantly - do NOT apologise; I love to hear about all my friends’ interests, even if they are not my own.

#autismadventcalendar #dayseventeen #autism #adhd #neurodivergent #mentalhealth #christmas #festive #infodump

Last updated 2 years ago

Mees · @mees
27 followers · 167 posts · Server

@daisy_c een band. Het patroon is nog iets langer, en daarna wordt het herhaald. Als ik niet compleet de mist in ga en besluit dat ik toch iets eenvoudigers moet gaan maken 😉. Dit is niet de eerste die ik maak, maar wel met de kleinste draad en het meest ingewikkelde patroon totnutoe. De techniek heet kaartweven, en is prehistorisch, wat ik erg gaaf vind. Dit patroon komt uit de 12e eeuw en is bewerkt door iemand die alles op YouTube uitlegt


Last updated 2 years ago

Monroe · @monroeonyx
329 followers · 793 posts · Server

@CharlotteEowyn mythology was often used as early science, using deities to explain natural phenomena. My fave example of this is how ancient Greeks explained seasons: the goddess Persephone spent half the year in Olympus and half as queen of the underworld. Her mother Demeter, goddess of the harvest, killed all the crops and made the world cold whenever her daughter was in the underworld, and allowed things to grow, warm up, and new life to be born when they were reunited.


Last updated 2 years ago

When I am happy, I am loud. I talk fast, I shake in my chair, I pace back and forth, I am extremely expressive, and I about numerous things. All of these aspects of my joy have earned me scorn and mockery in the past. My parents, my bosses, even my peers still tease me for these things. It makes it hard to just let myself experience joy and excitement anymore. 7/13


Last updated 2 years ago

When I am happy, I am loud. I talk fast, I shake in my chair, I pace back and forth, I am extremely expressive, and I about numerous things. All of these aspects of my joy have earned me scorn and mockery in the past. My parents, my bosses, even my peers still tease me for these things. It makes it hard to just let myself experience joy and excitement anymore. 7/13


Last updated 2 years ago

Stimpunks Foundation · @stimpunks
270 followers · 109 posts · Server