The difference between #infodumping and #teaching is in the prepwork. One is pulling random data on a topic as it occurs to you - or as it shows up in conversation - and the other is organized on a framework to assist recipients in remembering it. #journalism ought to tend towards the second…
#infodumping #teaching #journalism
@Ninji @samueldr
Im #ActuallyAutistic and this here is meant to be a serious Answer
PLEASE tell more, i always love when people add backgrund information, side facts, anything more
Dont feel like its a bad #InfoDumping
#actuallyautistic #infodumping
I don’t wear hats, but I feel that as the author of the GDB I am well within my rights to demand this on a shirt
I don’t know about you but I would GLADLY listen to Fred from #ScoobyDoo #InfoDump about the 30,000-year history of hunting nets. It really warms my heart hearing people #InfoDumping about the stuff they’re passionate about!
#infodump #infodumping #scoobydoo
🧠 InfoDump Zone 🧠
Feel free to use this post to #InfoDump about your favourite #SpecialInterests (or just any random #facts) in the comments! It can be anything you want! (But be nice — no naughty stuff! 😉)
I love learning new things and find #InfoDumping therapeutic! Among #Autistic people like myself it’s like a love language, but it’s often masked because society deems it “unacceptable” or “no one asked”... Let’s change that and let’s share what we’re passionate about and #learn new things!
#learn #autistic #infodumping #facts #specialinterests #infodump
Tentative and partial premise:
There is a very fine difference between #manplaining and #infodumping. Perception and intent are two factors, though probably not reliable.
As for intent, mansplaining is probably done largely for ego, in expectation of some reward, whereas infodumping is probably more impulsive and without expectation of reward.
#actuallyautistic #infodumping #manplaining
#ManSplaining is generally unsolicited and involves explaining something to someone who already knows about the thing, but you assume they don't because they are a woman.
If someone is actually asking you for details about a thing because they want your opinion, they will let you know and then it's just #InfoDumping
You can also keep track of the person's facial expression while talking to them.
If they are making occasional eye contact, nodding, varying their expression, making subtle hand gestures, they are probably fully engaged and it's fine.
If they are staring directly at you or looking away from you the entire time, playing with their hair, frowning or forcing a smile, rubbing their chin or forehead, they probably want you to be quiet.
The best thing to do is just pause occasionally and ask the listener if they believe you have explained it well enough.
By asking this question, you also provide them an easy way to get out of a conversation they may not want to have without conflict or embarrassment.
Finally, a dialogue is always better than a monologue.
#mansplaining #infodumping #actuallyautistic
How do You identify the differences between #mansplaining and #infodumping?
Anyone at all?
#actuallyautistic #infodumping #mansplaining
Btw, nur für den Fall, dass ihr jetzt Mitleid mit ihm habt, weil er sich meine Vorträge über Malutensilien anhören muss: Ihr solltet mal seine Vorträge über Crypto hören. #infodumping
Data, don't babble!
#actuallyautistic #autism #infodumping
I enjoyed #TheInvitation.
It was creepy, engaging, a lil sexy; and, I enjoyed seeing a Black female protagonist in a supernatural horror movie (which is pretty rare.)
Also if you're a #Dracula nerd there's tons of Easter Eggs, had me #infodumping on my fiancé lmao.
IMO #TheInvitation offers a good faith attempt at #representation. I think the relationship between the Black protagonist and her Black best friend was authentic; *but* I do have colorism concerns.
#TheInvitation #dracula #infodumping #representation
Die arme Frau, die sich hier soeben frisch geschnittene Gummibaumableger abgeholt hat, denkt wahrscheinlich jetzt, dass ich aufgrund sozialer Verwahrlosung mit Kostnixgrün zur Zwangszuquatschung lade – aber dafür weiß sie jetzt theoretisch alles über Gummibäume. #infodumping #hyperfixsero #zimmerpflanzen #pflanzimheimglückallein
#infodumping #hyperfixsero #zimmerpflanzen #pflanzimheimgluckallein
I have learned that there is a time and place for #infodumping. I have learned that people may not have the ability to hold space for me with that capacity. So I have started typing or talking things out on my computer. #ActuallyAutistic
#infodumping #actuallyautistic
More helpful feedback: "Infodumping is when you give a whole load of info about a subject you are passionate about, usually lasts 5+ replies and is really interesting but not to everyone. By threading this way, people who are interested can enjoy the info, and others can move on without having to scroll past all the posts."
Thanks @martyn
Die ganzen letzten 1,5 Wochen hat das Internet über fynn kliemann und die #zdfmagazin folge diskutiert. Ratet welches Thema wir jetzt in Deutsch behandeln... #infodumping