@oliphant imagine if the "flagship" rather than trying to Borg it all into one big instance
— direct new people to instances that have not yet reached a user cap (maybe 100*mod-team size?)
— develop tools for sharing mod load across allied instances (similar mod policies)
— develop practices to split big instances into alliances of smaller instances
they'd be setting an example for other large instances
We'd be on our way to centenals, coalitions, & @older's #infomocracy
I know it's tacky to keep talking about it, but the ongoing chat about how to run moderation coalitions keeps looking like the embryo of @older's #infomocracy
We got
- megacorps, with big money & broken incentives (Phillip-Morris, Heritage; BlueSky, Threads)
- neorx micro-coalitions (kkk centenals; gab)
- lone wolf centenals/instances
- (best) dozens of anarchic coalitions like #TheBadPlace
"QB" of @notyoursweetbab
We have stories older than any physical book; stories that have outlasted the relevance of every medium of writing ever invented. A reminder, in this time of digital churn, not to underestimate the robustness and resilience of social technologies. #Infomocracy
Look at this predating #Infomocracy by more than 50 years: "Louie explains that what we have got to do is to educate the public. 'When people complain about the traffic [...] we have got to tell the people who is to blame. Otherwise, they will be blaming the trucks.'"
@TechConnectify This what @older, in her excellent #infomocracy novels calls "narrative disorder," the compulsion to find a narrative to explain randomness.
"There is still concern about printed plastic weapons... For that eventuality, Mishima carries a thermal-intensity flamethrower slung across her back.Her stiletto is tucked against her body as usual, but in her right hand is a larger fighting knife, and she carries a lightweight, three-pronged sai strapped to her right leg. For distance work, she has ten shuriken, with which she is adept though not expert, tucked into a strip on the left forearm of her navy blue body armor." #infomocracy @older
I am reading (well, listening to) #Infomocracy by #MalkaOlder, and am really enjoying it, particularly the character of Mishima. Why has nobody made this into a movie?
http://fbarchive.org: online collection of internal Facebook documents designed to facilitate collaborative curation/research from @LatanyaSweeney@twitter.com, Public Interest Tech Lab, Technology and Social Change Project, @ShorensteinCtr@twitter.com,
#informed22 #infomocracy
hey hey, your reminder that #Infomocracy makes an EXCELLENT present for the poli-sci nerd, international relations wonk, global governance enthusiast, big data theorizer, cyberpunk aficionada, thriller fan, or smart sci-fi lover on your gift list! https://us.macmillan.com/books/9780765385147/infomocracy
@cynthia1960 @caztastrophe @Tinu
This goes back to my mini thread on #infomocracy and fedi: we need to make it easier for instances to opt into blocklists and allow lists, instance rules and processes, and shared moderation so it's easier for instances to do the right thing and normalize accountability for those of us (@cynthia1960 and myself included) un-used to accountability practice and politics.
I'm wondering if the future of federation, moderation, and codes of conduct are going to look a little like #infomocracy
Instances align on blocklists/allow-list, rules, and share resources such as support and moderation, even hosting.
Users pick instances from a confederation of instances and support them (directly or indirectly through fees and taxes.)
And by the way, the reason I talk about this every quarter is not to puff myself up, but because I've intentionally chosen organizations that are less well known. 10% of my book earnings is barely noticeable for a large non-profit, so I hope I can add to it by making more people aware of cool organizations doing interesting things in sectors that are probable relevant for anyone who likes my books. #Infomocracy
@blaine this feels like it could be a missing charter document for the (as yet fictional) Information from Malka Older's #Infomocracy
Exciting and, of course, already fraught with challenges