RT @InfoPlusConf@twitter.com
After serious consideration of the long-term uncertainties surrounding the corona pandemic, we have decided to postpone Information+ in Atlanta for one year, until fall 2021.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/InfoPlusConf/status/1246053135191343104
… in other words: #infoplus2020 welcomes contributions on #infodesign #infovis #scivis #datavis as well as #dataviz ;)
RT @InfoPlusConf@twitter.com
#infoplus2020 Call for Participation is out now! Submissions are due on April 20.
We invite proposals from all fields of professional practice, research, and education in information design and data visualization!
For details: http://informationplusconference.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/InfoPlusConf/status/1228708246766137344
#dataviz #datavis #scivis #infovis #infodesign #infoplus2020
RT @InfoPlusConf@twitter.com
Check out the new splash page for #infoplus2020 with more details on dates and chairs—stellar website design by @beatricegobbo92@twitter.com et al of @densitydesign@twitter.com:
We will be updating it over the next weeks with more information. Stay tuned! #infodesign #datavis
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/InfoPlusConf/status/1207049339316637697
#datavis #infodesign #infoplus2020
RT @InfoPlusConf@twitter.com
Do you work in interdisciplinary practices of #infodesign and #datavis? Mark your map and calendar: Next Information+ will be held Sep 24-27, 2020 in Atlanta at @GeorgiaTech@twitter.com. #infoplus2020
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/InfoPlusConf/status/1204060574088339458
#infoplus2020 #datavis #infodesign
RT @InfoPlusConf@twitter.com
We're thrilled to announce that the next Information+ will take place at the end of September 2020 in Atlanta. #infoplus2020 will be hosted by Yanni Loukissas (@yloukissas@twitter.com) at @GeorgiaTech@twitter.com. More details soon!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/InfoPlusConf/status/1156226932452876288