Woah! Such an intriguing context for an information behaviour study! 😮 See this hot-off-the-press paper by local colleague, Perla Innocenti.
Pilgrim's progress? A field #ethnography of multimodal recording, curating, and sharing of the Camino de Santiago experience https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/85594/ #InformationBehavior #InformationBehaviour #pilgrimage #OpenAccess
#ethnography #informationbehavior #informationbehaviour #pilgrimage #openaccess
I'm going to attempt to do something kind of different with my thesis; people will be able to go through it as an interactive experiment. If you'd like to muck around in the unknown for research, I'll be putting out a call for study participants this fall if all goes to plan. In the meantime, I'd like to put this out into the world: Hawthorn, my thesis' big idea translated into a game.
#multimodalliteracy #literacy #complexity #informationbehavior #informationdesign #transliteracy
#transliteracy #informationdesign #informationbehavior #complexity #literacy #multimodalliteracy
**Collective information science** #informationbehavior, including #sensemaking, #crisisinformatics and #rumoring, the dynamics of #informationecosystems, and corrupted and stigmatized #informationseeking.
**Complexity science**
#complexityscience, #systemsthinking, and #complexsystems as well as...
**Critical technology**
A critical approach to #sociotechnical systems, #surveillance and #algorithms, #cybernetics, and #swarmintelligence.
#informationbehavior #sensemaking #crisisinformatics #rumoring #informationecosystems #InformationSeeking #complexityscience #systemsthinking #complexsystems #sociotechnical #surveillance #algorithms #cybernetics #swarmintelligence
#neuhier #newbie Hi, I've now also made over. I am a professor for information didactics and knowledge transfer at the FH Potsdam and I look forward to an exciting exchange with you about (digital) #highereducation and #informationbehavior, especially in transdisciplinary knowledge transfer
#neuhier #newbie #highereducation #informationbehavior
I've been here for a while, but time for a re- #introduction:
I'm Scott or Vortex Egg, and I'm a cursed librarian. I work at the intersection of #technology, #informationscience, and #collectivebehavior on mitigating informational harms and violent extremism. I am currently pursuing an MLIS degree and am employed as the tech lead of a related nonprofit.
My work and research touch on:
**Digital extremism**
The influence of digital technologies, #misinformation, #propaganda, and #informationoperations on the emergence of #cults, #conspiracytheories, and #terrorism and violent #extremism.
**Cursed library science**
The management of harmful information, #contentmoderation and #TrustAndSafety, #digitalarchiving & #digitalpreservation, and #research methods for #cursedknowledge.
**Collective information science**
Theories of collective #informationbehavior, including #sensemaking, #crisisinformatics and #rumoring, the dynamics of #informationecosystems, and corrupted and stigmatized #informationseeking.
**Complexity science**
My work is informed by a qualitative and applied approach to #complexityscience, #systemsthinking, and #complexsystems as well as...
**Critical technology**
A critical and analytical perspective on #sociotechnical systems, #surveillance and #algorithms, #cybernetics, and #swarmintelligence.
#swarmintelligence #cybernetics #algorithms #surveillance #sociotechnical #complexsystems #systemsthinking #ComplexityScience #InformationSeeking #informationecosystems #rumoring #crisisinformatics #sensemaking #informationbehavior #cursedknowledge #research #digitalpreservation #digitalarchiving #TrustAndSafety #contentmoderation #extremism #terrorism #conspiracytheories #cults #informationoperations #propaganda #misinformation #CollectiveBehavior #informationscience #technology #introduction