I'm thrilled my infographic "101 Derivatives of French Mother Sauces" made the longlist for the category "Arts, Entertainment & Culture" on the 2023 Information Is Beautiful Awards! I don't think it will make the shortlist as it's pretty competitive, we're competing against individuals, teams, studios and even agencies from orgs like Reuters, USA Today, MIT, and Harvard Engineering.
#dataVisualization #informationDesign #infographicDesign #informationArchitecture
#informationarchitecture #infographicdesign #informationdesign #datavisualization
3/3 In this moment of concern over #generativeai vigorously pushing into our worlds, this is really troubling. We need to be talking about #privacy, #bioethics, #informationdesign, and that barely cracks the list.
If you have a chief diversity officer and a chief compliance officer, bravo! But you're missing a leg of the stool--where is your chief ethics officer?
#informationdesign #bioethics #Privacy #generativeAI
Re: maps as interfaces
A map doesn't tell you where you can go: constraints + affordances do. A compass doesn't tell you where you can go, either, it merely orients you in relationship to your intended location. The constraints and affordances built into an environment help you move through its space.
#complexinformationsystems #informationdesign
Graphical excellence is that which gives to the viewer the greatest number of ideas in the shortest time with the least ink in the smallest space.
-- Edward Tufte (The Visual Display of Quantitative Information)
⬆ #Quotes #EdwardTufte #Communication #InformationDesign
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #TheMaze #Dollhouse #Canyonlands #Utah
#quotes #EdwardTufte #communication #informationdesign #photography #panorama #themaze #dollhouse #canyonlands #utah
Last week, I gave an in-person presentation at the #VisionPlus conference by IIIDinfodesign. I used #dataviz, #informationdesign and #illustration to talk about #ChronicPain. It was strange to speak in front of an audience and not a computer. #rstats #sciart #infographic
#infographic #sciart #rstats #chronicpain #illustration #informationdesign #dataviz #visionplus
I'm going to attempt to do something kind of different with my thesis; people will be able to go through it as an interactive experiment. If you'd like to muck around in the unknown for research, I'll be putting out a call for study participants this fall if all goes to plan. In the meantime, I'd like to put this out into the world: Hawthorn, my thesis' big idea translated into a game.
#multimodalliteracy #literacy #complexity #informationbehavior #informationdesign #transliteracy
#transliteracy #informationdesign #informationbehavior #complexity #literacy #multimodalliteracy
Curious about the creative side of data visualisation?
Data Sketches by Nadieh Bremer & Shirley Wu is a book that beautifully blends data and design. Their gorgeous, carefully crafted data visualisations are a feast to the eyes!
Learn more about the book and my learnings from it here: https://cutt.ly/data-sketches
#datavis #dataviz #datavisualisation #datavisualization #vis.social #informationdesign #dataart #DataSketches
#datavis #dataviz #datavisualisation #datavisualization #vis #informationdesign #dataart #datasketches
Many thanks @moritz Stefaner for the visit at @scicomlab and your inspiring talk! Found the part about crafting in #informationdesign and authorship in times of #generative #AI especially remarkable. What will make the difference when #dataviz is automated? #scicomm, #sciart
#sciart #scicomm #dataviz #ai #generative #informationdesign
I am delighted that we will have well known @moritz Stefaner to talk about "The art and science of data visualization" in Kiel on Tuesday at 5:00 pm at the Atelierhaus Anscharpark. Stop by if you're in the area! #datavisualization #art #science #informationdesign
#informationdesign #science #art #datavisualization
Look at Apple out here, telling the world how important our work in IA/UX is. Can’t love this enough.
#UX #UXDesign #IA #InformationArchitecture #InformationDesign #Design
#design #informationdesign #informationarchitecture #ia #uxdesign #ux
Uncertainty is a common feature in our daily lives, and it can affect us all regardless of where we live. The following dataviz shows that uncertainty is higher in emerging and low-income economies than in advanced economies.
#dataviz #datavisualization #informationdesign #data #infovis #datavizsociety #viz #uncertainty #worlduncertainty #design #informationisbeautiful #dataart #datajournalism #designer #datavizadventure #illustration
#illustration #datavizadventure #designer #datajournalism #dataart #informationisbeautiful #design #worlduncertainty #uncertainty #viz #datavizsociety #infovis #data #informationdesign #datavisualization #dataviz
How Many People John Wick Kills In All 4 Movies
The "John Wick" Franchise is one of my favorites 😍😍😍
Screen Rant
#dataviz #datavisualization #movies #JohnWick4 #JohnWick #KeanuReeves #informationdesign #action
#action #informationdesign #keanureeves #johnwick #johnwick4 #movies #datavisualization #dataviz
It was a treat to chat with Jonathan Schwabish for PolicyViz podcast. We talked about everything from what makes science graphics weird, to designing academic posters—and even books—with the mindset that those objects are simply very large graphics.
#scicomm #dataviz #infodesign #informationdesign https://policyviz.com/podcast/episode-235-jen-christiansen/
#informationdesign #infodesign #dataviz #scicomm
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of chatting about science graphics with @Allitorban for her podcast Data Viz Today. Check out episode 85, in which we discuss using welcoming gestures, collaborating with others, the power of arrows, and more. #scicomm #dataviz #infodesign #informationdesign https://dataviztoday.com/shownotes/85
#informationdesign #infodesign #dataviz #scicomm
Opportunity 👇 @datawrapper https://www.datawrapper.de/vacancy/senior-data-visualization-developer #datavis #informationdesign
How we build relationships and understanding with subject experts to get useful feedback in:
1. scoping workshops
2. pair writing
3. content crits (feedback workshops)
#ContentDesign #Collaboration #UserResearch #InformationDesign
#contentdesign #collaboration #userresearch #informationdesign
A fascinating tale of information design for the future…thinking long-term visuals #scicomm #infographics #informationdesign #nuclearpower https://nightingaledvs.com/design-warning-for-nuclear-waste/ @datavizsociety
#nuclearpower #informationdesign #infographics #scicomm
Hi #datafam, I'm still exploring #dataviz #animations with #AfterEffects. This time I challenged myself to animate a bump chart.
Animating every dot, line and text is kind of tedious haha...
Source: VGChartz - "#UK Boxed Top Ten #Games"
#DataVisualization #Gamer #Data #Videogames #Design #InformationDesign #BumpChart #Charts #AnimatedCharts #UK #UKboxchart #UKgames #UKvideogames #selftaught #Nintendo #PlayStation #NintendoSwitch
#nintendoswitch #playstation #nintendo #SelfTaught #ukvideogames #ukgames #ukboxchart #animatedcharts #charts #bumpchart #informationdesign #design #videogames #data #gamer #datavisualization #games #uk #aftereffects #animations #dataviz #datafam
📅Dal 22 al 24 Novembre, Edimburgo, Information+ Conference 2023. Evento sull'information design e la #dataVisualization.
Iscrizioni aperte da Luglio 2023.
#dataViz #informationDesign
RT @InfoPlusConf
we are thrilled to announce that the Info+ Conf 2023 is coming to Edinburgh in November!
#infoplus2023 is an interdisciplinary conference on #datavis and #infodesign 🎨📊
stay tuned as we release more information: https://informatio…
#datavisualization #dataviz #informationdesign #infoplus2023 #datavis #infodesign
Wat is volgens jou de succesvolste film aller tijden?
Het is maar hoe je het bekijkt.
Erg interessante post die de lezer op een leuke manier meeneemt in hoe je het begrip 'succesvolle films' kunt benaderen. Met verrassende uitkomsten.
#Infographic #Dataviz #VisualStorytelling #InformationDesign #SciComm
#film #infographic #dataviz #visualstorytelling #informationdesign #scicomm