🌙 mirage claw! · @claw
0 followers · 44 posts · Server mstdn.games

> what is wrong with my eyes < (part 2)

i tried out 240hz for the first time ever in ever and it feels balanced, consistent and easy on my eyes 👁️👁️ but its brain taxing

with 360hz @ 360fps i can definitely see more frames but only during extremely fast and irregular movement which isn’t a selling point imo over a 240hz monitor and with regards to aiming uhhhh 360 feels weird. i don’t know how to describe it but it’s super weird 😖😖 360hz also gives me slight motion sickness


Last updated 1 year ago

stolenprivacy · @stolenprivacy
121 followers · 230 posts · Server darmstadt.social

Der Vacuumcleaner absolvierte ne arbeitsreiche Woche.

Von Internet und der privacysaugenden Roborock App weiss er nichts.

Läuft trotzdem wie es sein soll.

Mit nur 2 Tasten fĂźr "Fang an" und "Fahr zur Base" kĂśnnen wir gut steuern, mehr ist

#informationoverload #Roborock

Last updated 1 year ago

thereisnotri · @thereisnotri
0 followers · 2 posts · Server mstdn.social

[Essay] Coping with the Media Tsunami - Sometimes it seems like every second of my day is a battle against an overwhelming amount of information ... and it's only getting worse. Read my tips on how to cope in the era of information overload at strong99.substack.com/p/coping...

#essay #substack #strong99 #mindfulmediaconsumption #socialmediastrategy #copingwithmedia #informationoverload #mediatsunami

Last updated 2 years ago

Elsbeth Kwant · @Elsbethk
72 followers · 70 posts · Server mastodon.nl

Andersom geredeneerd, maar dezelfde stelling als 'Doing Nothing' van Jenny Odell, het is niet genoeg om niet afgeleid te raken, je moet je aandacht actief elders beleggen.
RT @marcoderksen
Kritisch denken is niet genoeg, we moeten ook leren om kritisch te negeren in de digitale netwerksamenleving van informatieovervloed theconversation.com/when-c…

#informationoverload #informatieovervloed #samenleving #digitaletransformatie

Last updated 2 years ago

Carsten Buus · @CarstenBuus
9 followers · 58 posts · Server masto.ai

“When critical thinking isn’t enough: to beat information overload, we need to learn ‘critical ignoring’.” Hertwig, Kozyreva, Wineburg, and @stworg 2023. Europe. theconversation.com/when-criti

#theconversation #informationoverload #criticalignoring

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Wyner · @markwyner
1318 followers · 1235 posts · Server mas.to

The irony of the society we’ve created.

Lloyd Dobler would appreciate this when in “Say Anything” he said:

“I don’t wanna sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold or bought or processed, or repair anything sold, bought or processed.”

#informationoverload #capitalism #advertising

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick Byers · @byers
23 followers · 21 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Have you quit using Slack or MS Teams in order to improve deep work and reduce distractions?

How did it go?
Any recommendations?

#slack #slackcommunity #informationoverload #interruptions #work #productivity #deepwork

Last updated 2 years ago

Had a much longer than anticipated first meeting with a new electrician and now my brain has stopped working :blobfoxbreadsnoot2googly:


Last updated 2 years ago

Amster · @amster
47 followers · 174 posts · Server mastodon.social

Yikes. Because there's so many people on Mastodon now, the Local (recent messages on mastodon.social) and Federated (recent messages on servers connected to mastodon.social) tabs have way too much traffic.

#informationoverload #twittermigration

Last updated 2 years ago

based on the most recent posts since my preparation post:

To increase privacy I filter out random posts by using a system of .

People you without knowing you.


regarding of


of a

Cat Picture and comment.


> <quote>Taskmaster star Fern Brady has reflected on the importance of a "happy, positive" representation of autism on the show.</quote>
> <quote>In a new post on Instagram, the comedian opened up about how the show has helped her be more accepting towards her autism and why it is important to have a healthy representation of it on screen.</quote>
posted on and

and at a . about and


about .

Didn't do too many this time cause I was so today.

#perception #entropy #judging #community #animalcrueltyprevention #filtering #informationoverload #creativity #multiverse #social #criticism #consumption #food #picture #dog #lumi #gettingsomethingoffmychest #butterfly #interruptedschedule #MentalHealth #selfawareness #cat #christmastree #empathy #reducingstigma #youtubevideo #signsofautism #painting #turtle #chatgpt #openai #pet #fernbrady #taskmaster #digitalspycom #archived #Autistic #wedding #AskingAutistics #thoughts #opinions #draconaa #twitch #videogame #sleeping #Health #drawing #image #ArtistsOnMastodon #question #mastodon #distracted

Last updated 2 years ago

Nemo_bis 🌈 · @nemobis
789 followers · 2790 posts · Server mamot.fr

How to identify the most active accounts I follow, so I can follow their blog's RSS instead, move them to an alt account or whatever?

I (un)follow, (un)mute and (un)filter liberally. With a limit of 400 posts in the ,* of which I see about 30 % in the web client, I can only see few hours of posts.

On the birdsite I used

(*) github.com/mastodon/mastodon/i

#mastodon #hometimeline #feditips #mastodonclients #informationoverload #fediversediet #selfcare #nt

Last updated 2 years ago

Anansi · @anansi
12 followers · 77 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Information overload as a medium of mass oppression? Anyone wishes to elaborate or give links?

#informationoverload #opression #research

Last updated 2 years ago

Marcus Zerbst · @mzerbst
80 followers · 65 posts · Server openbiblio.social

Wie schafft Ihr das eigentlich mit dem Lesen? Ständig präsentieren alle ihre Buchtipps zu Fachthemen, Fßhrung, Achtsamkeit usw. Ich komme kaum mit Fachaufsätzen hinterher, geschweige denn mit Bßchern!?

#informationoverload #worklifebalance #fĂźhrung #leadership #fachliteratur #weiterbildung

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Bliss · @JimBliss
27 followers · 19 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Sitting here listening to a half hour recording of Prince improvising on the piano during rehearsals / downtime in 1982. He's just noodling really. But that makes it special in its own way.

Trying to imagine the terrible crimes I would have commit back in the late 80s to get my hands on a bootleg recording like this. Right now though, it's just one of *dozens* on YouTube. All just sitting there, barely remarked upon.

It's dizzying.


#prince #music #informationoverload

Last updated 2 years ago

TongLen · @BeTongLen
36 followers · 299 posts · Server indieweb.social

@astro_jcm thank you. this is so beautiful.

wherever is see or hear of telescopes working together to build one picture of the vastness, i wish we could set up systems to do this for all fields instead of 50,000 data systems and dashboards trying to describe the same phenomena.

let's dismantle the before it gets worse

#informationoverload #infodemic

Last updated 2 years ago

Liambp · @liambp
10 followers · 75 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Thanks @Tarbh for putting me on the the advanced web interface. Now I can have Home and Local and Federated all on the screen at the same time.

#mastadon #informationoverload

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2082 followers · 14677 posts · Server toot.cat

@jec Yes, this is very much what I'm getting at.

There are some Mastodon tools you can use, more on that in a follow-up.

On the concept itself, earlier writings:

Cheap Rejection as a Feature

Builds the idea that cheap and fast no-gregats information rejection is a feature in an information-rich world:

[M]ental models are not simply modeling devices, but information rejection tools. Borrowing from Clay Shirkey’s “It’s not information overload, it’s filter failure”, the world is a surprisingly information-rich space, and humans (or any other information-processing system, biological or otherwise) simply aren’t equipped to deal with more than a minuscule fraction of it. We aim for a useful fraction. It paints an incomplete, but useful picture.

Even a bad model has utility if it rejects information cheaply.


Refutation of Metcalfe's Law revisited: network effects meet Sturgeon's Law

On bullshit, S/N, craft, respect, and originality

#SignalNoise #information #informationoverload #CheapRejection #models #Satisficing #informationtheory

Last updated 3 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2070 followers · 14629 posts · Server toot.cat

One cheat approach to this I have is to go through the HN daily archive, where HN is a decent prefilter. Often there's a small set of the top 30 (or up to ~100) daily items which are worth a closer look. I'll read a few days behind.

On Reddit, if you've got a good subreddit, you can set a date range (day, week, month, year) and then sort by "top" to get the most highly-rated items in that period. Reddit tends not to do a great job of quality selection, but it's not completely worthless.

The third of my two tricks is to just rely on random selection to an extent. If you've got too much material to make an informed choice on, shuffle your deck and select something at random. You'll miss some stuff, yes, but you're making an unbiased rather than a biased selection. You can also apply other filters to noise sources.


#research #researchmethods #literaturesearch #informationoverload #CalNewport #davidallen #gettingthingsdone #deepwork #zettlekasten #boti

Last updated 3 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2070 followers · 14629 posts · Server toot.cat

@vortex_egg There are two techniques in particular I'd like to suggest which ... well, they don't fully work but they seem to help:

1) Time block your information-gathering phase. Whether that's on a daily or weekly ongoing basis, or as a project phase, say "I'll scan Twitter for X minutes per day, only". And do that at the end of the day, when you've taken care of high-relevance/payoff tasks first.

2) What I call : "Best of the Interval". On a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual ... basis, review the items you've selected as noteworthy from that period as well as the top items from the next smaller intervals, and select some n number of best items. You'll probably find that a good value is 10 <= n <= 100, but do what works for you.

BOTI draws on the 43 folders / tickler file concept, or the round-robin database. Essentially you're determining that no matter how long your research goes on, you're committing to a finite set of retained data.

(This is used in all kinds of IT systems and network monitoring, especially with long-term data history.)

You end up with higher resolution in recent / near periods, lower resolution as you go back in time. But you're constantly trying to filter up the best stuff. Since assessment can take time, you'll re-scan earlier selections to see if you'd missed something of relevance (and you can always break protocol for something especially good). But you've got a structure and have set limits on scope.

You'll also start to develop a sense with time as to what actually provides usefulness, and if you track sources, which of those are most valuable. Filter noise aggressively.

A source that sometimes generates signal but usually doesn't ... is virtually always noise. Signal tends to come through, eventually.

(This is related to my "block fuckwits" advice.)


#boti #zettlekasten #deepwork #gettingthingsdone #davidallen #CalNewport #informationoverload #literaturesearch #researchmethods #research

Last updated 3 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2070 followers · 14629 posts · Server toot.cat

@vortex_egg This is a core challenge and failure of any academic. (Or unaffiliated researcher.) I struggle with this constantly.

That was the subtext of this toot:

Cal Newport does a fair bit of writing on this, aimed at both academics and professionals. Deep Work is probably the best starting point.

A good academic programme (especially for re-entering / nontraditional students) should also address this. Talk to your advisor or department. That library-skills course you're taking is actually directly addressing this, or should (and I'd still reall like to see the course notes / outline / syllabus / readings).

David Allen's Getting Things Done is another good general time-management / goals-management guide.

Zettlekasten (or an equivalent notes-and-references-tracking system) is also very helpful.


#research #researchmethods #literaturesearch #informationoverload #CalNewport #davidallen #gettingthingsdone #deepwork #zettlekasten

Last updated 3 years ago