Can’t wait to read this new paper that builds on Situating Search by Chirag Shah and @emilymbender
#llm #search #informationretrieval
Information retrieval resources:
Measuring cost, effort and (cognitive) load in information seeking... There remains a lot of be understood about #cognitive load (particularly) in information #search & #retrieval! 😉
A systematic review of cost, effort, and load research in information search and retrieval, 1972-2020 #CognitiveLoad #InformationRetrieval #ResourceDiscovery #discovery
#cognitive #search #retrieval #CognitiveLoad #informationretrieval #resourcediscovery #discovery
Apart from #Wasserstein Distance (#EMD), other #metrics also play an important role in #MachineLearning tasks such as #clustering, #classification, and #InformationRetrieval. In this tutorial, you can find a discussion of five commonly used metrics: EMD, #KullbackLeiblerDivergence (KL Divergence), #JensenShannonDivergence (JS Divergence), #TotalVariationDistance (TV Distance), and #BhattacharyyaDistance.
#wasserstein #emd #metrics #machinelearning #clustering #classification #informationretrieval #kullbackleiblerdivergence #jensenshannondivergence #totalvariationdistance #bhattacharyyadistance
#introduction for me, Renning. I'm interested in #parenting, #genealogy, #math, and #softwareengineering. in particular, #observability, #informationretrieval, and #rust.
#introduction #genealogy #math #softwareengineering #observability #informationretrieval #rust #parenting
Eine neue Folge #arthistoCast ist online!
@KlusikEckert spricht mit @peterbell und Stefanie Schneider über das visuelle Suchen in großen Bilddatenmengen. Dabei geht es neben einer Reflexion über unsere Suchstrategien in der Kunstgeschichte auch um Prototypen für das visuelle Suchen.
Und überall, wo es Podcasts gibt!
#digitaleKunstgeschichte #wissenschaftspodcast #wisskomm #computervision #openai #imgsai #iArt #imageretrieval #informationretrieval
#arthistocast #digitalekunstgeschichte #wissenschaftspodcast #wisskomm #computervision #openai #imgsai #iart #imageretrieval #informationretrieval
My university is recruiting a Reader (Associate Professor) and Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in AI and Data Science. Applications from IR & NLP folk are welcome!
#datascience #ai #informationretrieval
Eine neue Folge #arthistoCast ist online! 🎧
@KlusikEckert spricht mit Lisa Dieckmann von
@prometheus_bildarchiv und Jürgen Hermes @spinfocl über #informationRetrieval, dem Suchen von Informationen und wie die #Linguistik uns beim Finden hilft
Überall, wo es Podcasts gibt oder unter
#digiarthist #wissenschaftspodcast #digitaleKunstgeschichte
#arthistocast #informationretrieval #linguistik #digiarthist #wissenschaftspodcast #digitalekunstgeschichte
New preprint...
"[We] present the first-ever published system for text-based dataset recommendation using #machinelearning techniques. This system, trained on the DataFinder Dataset, finds more relevant search results than existing third-party dataset #search engines..."
Ka-boom! 😃
DataFinder: Scientific #Dataset Recommendation from Natural Language Descriptions #datasets #ResearchData #OpenData #informationretrieval
#machinelearning #search #dataset #datasets #researchdata #opendata #informationretrieval
Fancy working with me? The Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Wolverhampton offers, among others, a PhD studentship on Large Language Models for Academic Search. Please get in touch with me if you’re interested. Look for the LASER project at
#phd #ai #informationRetrieval #studentship #largeLanguageModels #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #bard #nlp #computationalLinguistics #search #academicSearch #recommendersystems #university #research
#phd #ai #informationretrieval #studentship #largelanguagemodels #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #bard #nlp #computationallinguistics #search #academicsearch #recommendersystems #university #research
@_3Jane Aehm, why? Is there any info about why they did that?
I actually sort of noticed it today. I was confused by the behaviour. But I thought it must be a temporary glitch :masto_silly:
Also looking for a search engine now
#searchTechnology #search #searchEngine #notGoogle #informationRetrieval #webSearch
#SearchTechnology #search #searchengine #notgoogle #informationretrieval #websearch
Adam Jatowt @uniinnsbruck, Taishi Hosokawa (Kyoto University) and Kazunari Sugiyama (Osaka Seikei University) won the Best Paper Award at #ECIR2023, the 45th European Conference on #InformationRetrieval, for their paper on temporal natural language inference 🥳:
#ecir2023 #informationretrieval
What would a next-gen #search engine's benefits be for #educators?
Check out the vision here:
I'd love to hear your thoughts!
#SearchEngines #InformationRetrieval #Education #Teachers #SocialGood
#search #educators #searchengines #informationretrieval #education #teachers #socialgood
1/ the two books I see referenced most frequently regarding the field of #InformationRetrieval are Croft/Metzler/Strohman's #SearchEngines: #InformationRetrieval in Practice (2009) and Manning/Schütze/Raghavan's Introduction to Information Retrieval (2008).
Are there any #books that either (a) cover the entire span to the present to a similar depth/quality or (b) cover from the last ~15 years of information retrieval?
I see Dirk Lewandowski's Understanding #Search Engines (2023) but it appears
#informationretrieval #searchengines #books #search
I've updating the Building #SearchEngines doc. New additions include books on #search and #InformationRetrieval, Open Semantic Search, OpenSearchServer, and Metager.
#Recommendations on #books I may have missed are especially appreciated. :)
#searchengines #search #informationretrieval #recommendations #books
I've added a few additional #SearchEngines to the awesome list including Petal Search, Anoox, InfinitySearch, Secret Secret Engine Labs, Crawlson, MWMBL, and Yioop:
Also made a number of additions to the building search engines list since I last shared it:
Let me know what I'm missing and what else could be useful!
#searchengines #search #informationretrieval
for those interested in #Search / #SearchEngines I've published a brief blog post about my aspirations and a little history:
Feedback is welcome...and as noted, I'd love to talk to anyone who has run a successful #crowdfunding campaign.
#search #searchengines #crowdfunding #informationretrieval
A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of #SearchEngines:
#searchengines #search #informationretrieval
added #marginalia and #wiby #SearchEngines to Awesome Search Engines repo:
#marginalia #wiby #searchengines #search #informationretrieval
For those interested in #search, I've rewritten much of the introductory article on my plans for a next-generation search engine:
I've defined the #philosophical characteristics (#ethical commitments to create a better world) and foundational characteristic (that which delivers the superior results, #HumanAugmentation) of the #SearchEngine.
#InformationRetrieval #WebSearch
As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. I have much to learn!
#search #philosophical #ethical #humanaugmentation #searchengine #informationretrieval #websearch