#originoflife #informationtheory #ComplexSystems #CollectiveBehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #informationtheory #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution #archeology#originoflife #informationtheory #ComplexSystems #CollectiveBehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #informationtheory #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution #archeology #networkscience #complexnetworks
I am presently reading “Spatial Networks” by Marc Barthelemy. I am interested in how spatial networks differ from non-spatial ones. For a road network, measures like degree don’t work because an intersection is constrained by the number of roads that it can intersect. This is peculiar to roads but I am wondering what constraints a distance metric in general can impose on a network. Would a network including statistical or information distance be considered a spatial network? I realize that linear distance along a road is not a true distance as it doesn’t always fit the triangle inequality. I am wondering if a ratio of Euclidean distance to linear distance would somehow fix things. Does anyone care to comment?
#originoflife #informationtheory #complexsystems #biogels #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #collectivebehavior #evolutionarydynamics #qotojournal #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution #archeology #networkscience #complexnetworks
The great void in the center of the graph of cross-disciplinary cross-pollination where we should see a nexus would be occupied by #cybernetics and #informationtheory but that's none of my business đ¸âď¸
#cybernetics #informationtheory
One of the final sections of the #ise2023 lecture was an excursion with a #timeline of (Large) #LanguageModels. We started our tour in 1948 with Claude Shannon's seminal work "A Mathematical Theory of Communication""
Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1atNvMYNkeKDwXP3olHXzloa09S5pzjXb/view?usp=drive_link
@fizise #llm #ai #nlp #artificialintelligence #informationtheory #lecture
#ise2023 #timeline #languagemodels #llm #ai #nlp #artificialintelligence #informationtheory #lecture
Survey of Pragmatic Semiotic Information ⢠7
This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on a theory of information which grows out of pragmatic semiotic ideas. All my projects are exploratory in character but this line of inquiry is more openâended than most. The question is â
⢠What is information and how does it impact the spectrum of activities answering to the name of inquiry?
Setting out on what would become his lifelong quest to explore and explain the âLogic of Scienceâ, C.S. Peirce pierced the veil of historical confusions obscuring the issue and fixed on what he called the âlaws of informationâ as the key to solving the puzzle.
The first hints of the Information Revolution in our understanding of scientific inquiry may be traced to Peirce's lectures of 1865â1866 at Harvard University and the Lowell Institute. There Peirce took up âthe puzzle of the validity of scientific inferenceâ and claimed it was âentirely removed by a consideration of the laws of informationâ.
Fast forward to the present and I see the Big Question as follows. Having gone through the exercise of comparing and contrasting Peirce's theory of information, however much it yet remains in a roughâhewn state, with Shannon's paradigm so pervasively informing the ongoing revolution in our understanding and use of information, I have reason to believe Peirce's idea is root and branch more general and has the potential, with due development, to resolve many mysteries still bedeviling our grasp of inference, information, and inquiry.
#Peirce #Logic #LogicOfScience #ScientificMethod #InformationTheory
#Pragmatism #Semiotics #SignRelations #PragmaticSemioticInformation
#pragmaticsemioticinformation #SignRelations #semiotics #pragmatism #informationtheory #scientificmethod #logicofscience #logic #Peirce
Maximizing Mass-Energy and Information-Energy Equivalences
#EnergyMassEquivalence #QuantumComputing #InformationTheory #InformationEnergyEquivalence
#informationenergyequivalence #informationtheory #quantumcomputing #energymassequivalence
Pragmatic Semiotic Information ⢠Ψ
I remember it was back in â76 when I began to notice a subtle shift of focus in the computer science journals I was reading, from discussing X to discussing âInformation About Xâ, or \(X \to \mathrm{Info}(X)\) as I came to notate the transformation. I suppose that small arc of revolution had been building for years but it struck me as crossing a threshold to a more explicit, selfâconscious stage about that time.
#Peirce #Logic #LogicOfScience #ScientificMethod #InformationTheory
#Pragmatism #Semiotics #SignRelations #PragmaticSemioticInformation
#pragmaticsemioticinformation #SignRelations #semiotics #pragmatism #informationtheory #scientificmethod #logicofscience #logic #Peirce
#originoflife #informationtheory #ComplexSystems #CollectiveBehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #informationtheory #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution #archeology
#complexsystems #collectivebehavior #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #originoflife #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #culturalevolution #archeology #informationtheory #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology
On Computable Numbers (Unzurechnungsfähig)
2023 | ausgemusterte Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Taschenrechner
Wem ging Mathe nicht schonmal auf den Geist? Diese Frage kam mir beim Durchsehen der gut 250 ausrangierten Taschenrechner aus dem Friedrich-List-Gymnasium in Reutlingen in den Sinn. Die Rechner gehen zwar nicht mehr, dafĂźr geht heutzutage jedoch die Begeisterung um Computer, statistische Berechnungen und Mathematik weiter denn je.
Der Titel "On Computable Numbers (Unzurechnungsfähig)" geht zurĂźck auf die einflussreiche Publikation des Mathematikers Alan Turing aus dem Jahre 1936, in der er eine universelle Maschine porträtiert und damit eine mathematische Beschreibung dessen liefert, was heute die Grundlage des Computers bildet. DarĂźber hinaus gab Turing der bis heute unter dem Etikett der "KĂźnstlichen Intelligenz" anhaltenden Idee Vorschub, Zahlen und andere mathematische Formalisierungen â Produkte des menschlichen Hirns â an die Wirklichkeit anzulegen, durch sie hindurch wahrzunehmen und nach ihrem Bilde zu gestalten.
Daraus ergibt sich ein Bild des Rechners oder Computers als eine dem Menschen auf den Geist rßckende Maschine. In einer totalitären Form, welche Wirklichkeit als berechenbare Information begreift, wird das Morgen als eine statistische Verlängerung von gestern gezeichnet. Hier und heute werden diesem Paradigma, zur Entgeisterung der Anhänger dieses Mathematikwahns, Taschenrechner in ihrer Unzurechnungsfähigkeit gegenßbergestellt.
Fotos: Installation im âAlten Spitalâ in Viechtach im Rahmen der Ausstellung COMMON SPACE: LAND â STADT vom 20.-30.Juli: https://www.schiesslhaus-air.eu/news/abschlussausstellung-2023
#Math #mathmatics #mathmemes #calculation #calculator #calculatorart #informationtheory #computation #computationaldesign #computer
#math #mathmatics #mathmemes #calculation #calculator #calculatorart #informationtheory #computation #computationaldesign #computer
After lurking for a few days, itâs time for an #introduction!
Iâm an #antimicrobialresistance researcher based in Oxford. I specialise in stochastic & evolutionary #gametheory, #informationtheory, & #statistics in general. Those have cool applications to #innovation, #biology, #finance, & #geopolitics â which conveniently are also interests of mine!
In my spare time, Iâm mostly improvising (on a piano, on stage & in life), staring at generative art, or geeking out on American football plays.
#introduction #antimicrobialresistance #gametheory #informationtheory #statistics #innovation #biology #finance #geopolitics
#SethLloyd - Is #Information #Fundamental?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Physics #Information #InformationTheory #Computing #Cosmology #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Planck #MaxPlanck #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #MaxPlanck #planck #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #cosmology #computing #informationtheory #physics #philosophyofscience #philosophy #fundamental #information #sethlloyd
#originoflife #informationtheory #ComplexSystems #CollectiveBehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #informationtheory #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution #archeology
#originoflife #complexsystems #collectivebehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #biology #culturalevolution #archeology #informationtheory #philosophy #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology
Challenge for next year, add this to my #InformationTheory course #Intersectionality #Diversifying
#informationtheory #intersectionality #diversifying
"In the age of AI, apparently, we can't wait for theory to come from discovery and experiment. We have to place our faith in the supremacy of computational over human intelligence - astoundingly even in the face of an ongoing theoretical mystery about how to imbue computers with flexible intelligence in the first place." in The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can't Think the Way We Do, Eric J. Larson (2021, p.253)
#AI #Computation #Theoryofmind #AImythology #InformationTheory #Epistemology
#ai #computation #Theoryofmind #aimythology #informationtheory #epistemology
#originoflife #informationtheory #ComplexSystems #CollectiveBehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #informationtheory #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution #archeology
#informationtheory #evolutionarydynamics #qotojournal #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution #archeology #originoflife #complexsystems #collectivebehavior #biogels #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #biology #evolution #economy
Today, there are many E2E communication services on the market. These services are claimed to be secure through encryption and other means.
Are these really so?
Is it really end-to-end communication?
Does encryption really prevent information leakage?
Only a few people in the world understand the meaning of these questions.
#informationtheory #telecom #ict
#onetimepad #entropy #infosec #cryptography
#internetprotocol #tcp #udp #web3 #defense #cybersecurity #ddosattacks #ciso #e2e
#informationtheory #telecom #ICT #onetimepad #entropy #infosec #cryptography #internetprotocol #tcp #udp #web3 #defense #cybersecurity #ddosattacks #ciso #e2e
"Age of Information #3" #watercolor on postcard sized watercolor paper. This will be sent as a #Postcrossing card.
Overlapping right #triangles are the canonical way to show the Age of Information, which is a part of the study of #InformationTheory
#informationtheory #triangles #postcrossing #watercolor
#originoflife #informationtheory #ComplexSystems #CollectiveBehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #informationtheory #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution #archeology
“History is a pack of tricks we play on the dead” Voltaire
Tobler’s First Law of Geography is: “… everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” In spatial statistics this is formalized in the notion of correlation, near objects in space are more correlated than far objects. This applies to time also, near events in time are more correlated than distant events in time. Using Steven Jay Gould’s famous “tape of Evolution” thought experiment for human history, rewind the tape back a week and then replay history. Would we notice much difference? Rewind it a thousand years? We might notice a difference. certain things correlate further back in time than others. Evolution gives us correlations going back billions of years. Species millions of years. Human cultures are much shorter, “Western Culture” as a global culture only goes back a few hundred years and for the most part was violently imposed upon the world. Archeology has returned to listening to the stories of remaining native peoples and in North America it has been shown that these peoples are direct ancestors to the peoples of the great pueblos of the southwest and the mound builders of the eastern woodlands. The concerns, participation, support, and stories of native people are now an important part of archeology. One critique of ethnographic studies is that it is difficult to tell just how far back current beliefs, stories, and practices can go, the past is a foreign country even to those whose ancestors lived it. This is a reasonable critique. It is hard for a society that has downloaded its knowledge first into writing and now onto silicon, to understand passing cultural knowledge strictly through memory. Any trial lawyer will tell you about how fallible human memory is yet cultures survived and thrived without writing. Just how was this accomplished?
#informationtheory #complexsystems #collectivebehavior #originoflife #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution #archeology
#originoflife #informationtheory #ComplexSystems #CollectiveBehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #informationtheory #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution
Stephen Jay Gould once stated that human cultural evolution is Lamarkian rather than Darwinian. Lamarkian can be a trigger word for some biologists so I will refrain from defending it. There are differences. Cultural transmission is much different than genetic transmission and the method of transmission is different, not discrete like genes, there is no evidence of memes like Dawkins has suggested. In addition, there are no lineages as such. Darwin had no idea of transmission either. Dawkins’s attempt at memes is based on the fact that humans are biological entities subject to Darwinian evolution and culture is a human phenotype and thus is subject to Darwinian evolution. This idea has been accepted and rejected at different times by the social sciences, mainly because of the stigma of Social Darwinism and the failure of Darwinian Evolution to provide coherent answers. Yet, culture is still a biological artifact, like an ant hill is a biological artifact so somehow this conceptual gap needs to be closed.
Lewens, Tim. âCultural Evolution.â In The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward N. Zalta. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, 2020. https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2020/entries/evolution-cultural/.
#originoflife #informationtheory #complexsystems #collectivebehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #philosophy #qotojournal #biology #evolution #economy #incomedistribution #anthropology #culturalevolution
date: 2023-04-07 05:56:15
by: EURAXESS Korea
2023-06069 - PhD Position F/M Adversarially Robust Machine Learning-based Network Intrusion Detection System - Rennes, France
@Inria #PhD #PhDposition #PhDpositions #BigData #research #MachineLearning #Statistics #Informationtheory #Pytorch
đŚđ: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1644217501348413441
#phd #phdPosition #phdpositions #bigdata #research #machinelearning #statistics #informationtheory #pytorch
#originoflife #informationtheory #ComplexSystems #CollectiveBehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #informationtheory #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths #qotojournal #biology #evolution #dawnchorus
#originoflife #informationtheory #collectivebehavior #evolutionarydynamics #philosophy #philosophyofmaths #dawnchorus #complexsystems #biogels #philosophyofscience #qotojournal #biology #evolution