Trapped & Traced 03-13-2023 from new AT&T Motorola Phone under ~$100 πŸ”Žβ˜£οΈπŸ€³πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ”

ΒΉ From Virus Total Scanner: Visual voicemail FinFisher Module 03-13-2023

New VT generated after Save:

Β² From Virus Total Scanner:

GammaGroup From FinFisher CarrierHub 03-13-2023

New VT generated after Save:

Β³ From Virus Total Scanner:

GammaGroup FinFisher Module MCMClient 03-13-2023

New VT generated after Save:

⁴ From Virus Total Scanner: πŸ“¬ Gmail backdoor Client

GammaGroup FinFisher Module MTPHost 03-13-2023

New VT generated after Save:

From Virus Total Scanner:

GammaGroup FinFisher Module MobileInstaller 03-13-2023

New VT generated after Save:

⁢ From Virus Total Scanner: Motorola

GammaGroup FinFisher Module InvisibleNet 03-13-2023

New VT generated after Save:

⁷ for apps list & tools involved

ΒΉ Firewall AI -πŸ”Ž Blocking / Host Lists πŸ”
Β² VirusTotal App πŸ”ŽπŸ€³πŸ’»β˜£οΈπŸ”
Β³ VirusTotal Forensics ENV Read-Only Account πŸ”Žβ˜£οΈπŸ”
⁴ PCAPdroid App - PCAP files / Host Lists πŸ”ŽπŸ—’οΈπŸ”
⁡ Textpad or Text file editor - πŸ”ŽπŸ“πŸ”
⁢ Web2 + Web3 posting πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ’»πŸ–₯οΈπŸ’ΏπŸ’ΎπŸ–¨οΈπŸ‘€πŸŽ§πŸ‘‚

β„’ β„’ by

#gammsgroup #finfisher #visualvoicemail #carrierhub #mcmclient #mtphost #mobileinstaller #InvisibleNET #gammagroup #finspy #Finsky #infosec #detectionkit #android #ssm #statesponsoredmalware #investigations #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's a funny one I ran across downloading some Rick and Morty .gifs recently....

Check the filename: raw.bin

There is always a workaround to get around this*. 🀭

* Screen Recording and then convert to .gifv from screen recording. πŸ˜†

πŸˆπŸƒ done differently

#rickandmorty #infosec #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's a funny one I ran across downloading some Rick and Morty .gifs recently....

Check the filename: raw.bin

There is always a workaround to get around this. 🀭

πŸˆπŸƒ done differently

#rickandmorty #infosec #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

So was digging back on my timeline during the and found a real banger story I was plate spinning which has a β„’ angle as well as a component of a shady who is well known in the , who is now working with for Todd. Hi Todd! πŸ‘‹

So, I did a traceback on this that Brian Scarsbeck was serving to HIS CLIENTS AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS which compromises their clients computer and allows full access into said clients systems.

Use of client

using who organized a coordinated effort to harass me while I worked for .

β˜£οΈπŸ‘‹ by β˜£οΈπŸ‘‹


#twtr #pandemic #statesponsoredmalware #ssm #pdfspearphishing #housingevictionspecialist #bayarea #brianscarsbecklaw #toddrothsbardlaw #spearphishingpdf #housingiskey #COVID19 #infosec #investigations #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #housingevictionfraud #metabrigades #gangstalkers #ciscosystems #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

So was digging back on my timeline during the and found a real banger story I was plate spinning which has a β„’ angle as well as a component of a shady who is well known in the , who is now working with for Todd. Hi Todd! πŸ‘‹

So, I did a traceback on this that Brian Scarsbeck was serving to HIS CLIENTS AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS which compromises their clients computer and allows full access into said clients systems.

Use of client

using who organized a coordinated effort to harass me while I worked for .

β˜£οΈπŸ‘‹ by β˜£οΈπŸ‘‹


#twtr #pandemic #statesponsoredmalware #ssm #pdfspearphishing #housingevictionspecialist #bayarea #brianscarsbecklaw #toddrothsbardlaw #spearphishingpdf #housingiskey #COVID19 #infosec #investigations #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #housingevictionfraud #metabrigades #gangstalkers #ciscosystems #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

So was digging back on my timeline during the and found a real banger story I was plate spinning which has a β„’ angle as well as a component of a shady who is well known in the , who is now working with for Todd. Hi Todd! πŸ‘‹

So, I did a traceback on this that Brian Scarsbeck was serving to HIS CLIENTS AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS which compromises their clients computer and allows full access into said clients systems.



#twtr #pandemic #statesponsoredmalware #ssm #pdfspearphishing #housingevictionspecialist #bayarea #brianscarsbecklaw #toddrothsbardlaw #spearphishingpdf #housingiskey #COVID19 #infosec #investigations #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #housingevictionfraud #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

So was digging back on my timeline during the and found a real banger story I was plate spinning which has a β„’ angle as well as a component of a shaded who is well known in the , who is now working with for Todd. Hi Todd! πŸ‘‹

So, I did a traceback on this that Brian Scarsbeck was serving to HIS CLIENTS AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS which compromises their clients computer and allows full access into said clients systems.



#twtr #pandemic #statesponsoredmalware #ssm #pdfspearphishing #housingevictionspecialist #bayarea #brianscarsbecklaw #toddrothsbardlaw #spearphishingpdf #housingiskey #COVID19 #infosec #investigations #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #housingevictionfraud #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

This is an excellent video about which is not mentioned but is a real component to ALL. SOCIAL. MEDIA.

is the program which is one of many on this program which, by proxy, you are handled and manipulated. πŸ‘€πŸ‘€




I have been researching this for a few years now. Here's my archive as it pertains to the analysis and analytics of the analysts workstations that proxy/control this phenomenon thus shaping and limiting and 'ing you into wot you are being molded to believe.


by since Dec. 25th, 2020.

#BubbledSocialMedia #tia #twitter #chatgpt #believing #rtdna #news #malware #infosec #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

@jerry πŸ€“πŸ‘€πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ’¨

caught trying to manipulate to redirect through for

/ 1 of 3 hosts caught /

#infosecexchange #sdntracebackhost #routingtables #aws #mitm #infosec #infosec_jcp #tracebacks

Last updated 2 years ago

@jerry πŸ€“πŸ‘€πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ’¨

caught trying to manipulate to redirect through for

/ 1 of 3 hosts caught /

#infosecexchange #sdntracebackhost #routingtables #aws #mitm #infosec #infosec_jcp #tracebacks

Last updated 2 years ago


/ 3 of 3 hosts caught /


πŸ“ Notes on this: This was ~72hrs ago and I reported briefly on about this since I was blocked from here to report on this

πŸ‘‡βš οΈ


Something to keep an eye on @jerry iF is messing with routes and wotnot /s

imo, πŸ€“ πŸ“


πŸ‘‡βš οΈ

#infosec #infosec_jcp #tracebacks #twitter #aws #bgp

Last updated 2 years ago


/ 3 of 3 hosts caught /


πŸ“ Notes on this: This was ~72hrs ago and I reported briefly on about this since I was blocked from here to report on this.πŸ“πŸ“‘πŸ›°οΈπŸ“ΊπŸ“°πŸ’¨

Something to keep an eye on @jerry iF is messing with routes and wotnot /s

imo, πŸ€“ πŸ“


πŸ‘‡βš οΈ

#infosec #infosec_jcp #tracebacks #twitter #aws #bgp

Last updated 2 years ago

@jerry πŸ€“πŸ‘€πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ’¨

caught trying to manipulate to redirect through for

/ 1 of 3 hosts caught /

#infosecexchange #sdntracebackhost #routingtables #aws #mitm #infosec #infosec_jcp #tracebacks

Last updated 2 years ago

's in

Rule #1 of 2023

your users at your company.

Your welcome. πŸˆπŸƒ

#ciso #infosec #tcpdump #meta #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago


Hmm, I have several banks just for this same reason as it is always a 'when not an if' the bank goes bad or get hacked.

'Tis best practices to have .a few backup, or Stunt Banks, with money πŸ’° to keep going whilest said bank that went dodgy gets I.T.'s act together. πŸ‘

#inpersonbanking #atmonly #noonlinebanking #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

When the 's review their logs of β„’ β„’ at their company leaking their to their perhaps then in for the better. 🎯 -- πŸ€”

#fortune1000 #ciso #tcpdump #gammagroup #ssm #statesponsoredmalware #companysecrets #employer #iplosses #thingswillchange #infosec #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

When the 's review their logs of at their company leaking their to their perhaps then in for the better. 🎯 -- πŸ€”

#fortune1000 #ciso #tcpdump #metauseraccounts #companysecrets #employer #iplosses #thingswillchange #infosec #infosec_jcp

Last updated 2 years ago

LπŸ‘€king for some new to do some for this week. Have a great list of past clients I have done communications and editing and producing for.

Contact me to get on my production schedule as slots for content creation fill up quickly!

#bayareaclients #mediacreation #infosec_jcp #mediaproductions

Last updated 2 years ago

LπŸ‘€king for some new to do some for this week. Have a great list of past clients I have done communications and editing and producing for.

Contact me to get on my production schedule as slots for content creative n fill up quickly.

#bayareaclients #mediacreation #infosec_jcp #mediaproductions

Last updated 2 years ago