I am once again asking you to make use of the filter, mute and block features of Mastodon for the trivial crap that amounts to “I don’t like this person” and only report actionable bad behaviour to your instances moderators (and by extension the moderators of the instance the user is on, if it’s not the same as yours).
#infosecexchangeadmin #mastodontips #moderation
Citizens of Infosec Exchange
Please follow @support for service updates.
Link verification is in progress.
A Handy Guide to Reporting
We get a lot of reports and we are trying to make it easier to understand how to report. Please take a look at the new wiki page:
The goal of the guide is to help you understand what we CAN take action on and what we WILL take action on.
Questions or comments? The moderation team is listed below, and we're happy to help by DM or publicly.
A new server rule has been added (rule 10).
Quick reminder, the server rules are always available on the About This Server page:
They are also documented on the wiki in more detail and with additional context which the administrator and moderators consider when taking moderation actions (or indeed not acting if deemed necessary).
WIKI LINK: https://wiki.infosec.exchange/rules/start
The new rule should not come as a surprise but has been added to ensure transparency and clarity in this area.
Rule 10: No attacks against (or from) the instance.
You may not do anything which may impact confidentiality, integrity or availability of Infosec.Exchange, the users of the service or their data.
You may not undertake any activity that would in any way put the confidentiality, integrity or availability of the servers, the users of the service or their data at risk.
This may include, but is not limited to:
* Denial of Service attack (DoS)
* Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS)
* Attempting to hack/exploit any software or hardware that compromises the service
* Compromise/attempted compromise of any user or admin account/login
* Impersonation of any user or admin
* Posting of malicious links/materials except where clearly identified as such and placed behind a content warning
**Breach of this rule will lead to an immediate lifetime ban and may also include reporting to the relevant authorities.**
This rule also encompasses using Infosec.Exchange in any way to impact other servers or people.
If you are looking for somewhere to test vulnerabilities of Mastodon, a list of servers maintained for this are available at https://wiki.infosec.exchange/faq/security/mastodon_vulnerability_testing
@cillic important clarification (thanks @dnsprincess ), we do not benefit from these ad posts, infosec.exchange is powered by donations and the goodwill of Jerry
By my count we now have 27250
Active accounts here 😮 ❗
The dashboard shows 24,345 so suggests another large spike in signups due to events on :birdsite:
#fedistats #infosecexchangeadmin