Important update to my "How-To" on domain-blocking by individual Mastodon users, a useful tweak to keep the vibes right (because your admin won't necessarily block out as much as you well might prefer).

TL;DR: When preparing a blocked_domains.csv file for upload to your Mastodon account, make sure to insert the ampersand, the " @ " sign, in front of the server domains you wish to block.

I also modified the article's lede, to wit:

Problem: Organized troll brigades are harassing outspoken people on Mastodon. If you ever express support for marginalized communities, you are likely to attract annoying DMs and replies โ€” at best, a nuisance you donโ€™t need.

Donโ€™t be fooled by the false sense of security there: there is a lot more harassment than meets the eye. Many newer and established instances in Mastodon social network do not have extensive block lists. Also, there are new instances cropping up all the time. Admins are very, very busy as it is - they cannot be expected to necessarily stay on top of the moderation requirements of every user.

Solution: Mastodon software permits individual users to block domains.

#howto #basicinfosec #infosecuritystreams #fasci #antifascism #newtomastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

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Last updated 2 years ago