좋은 아침 / buenos días / morning awesome and amazing people!! It’s creative Friday! I’m thinking about attending a couple of infosec events this weekend! - 1 of them will be our study session aka #infosecversity! 🎉 I also hope that you have a wonderful day. 🤗 💜~
좋은 아침 / buenos días / morning awesome and amazing people!! I plan to go live this Sat at 11:30 am EST via IG & YouTube. It will be an #infosecversity study session. 👩🏻💻 🎉 I also hope that you have a wonderful day. 🤗 💜~
I still believe home labs are awesome. ✌️ #labeveryday #homelabs #infosecversity
#labeveryday #homelabs #infosecversity
I still believe home labs are awesome. ✌️ #labeveryday #homelabs #infosecversity
#labeveryday #homelabs #infosecversity
좋은 아침 / buenos días / morning awesome and amazing people!! For today, I will finish a lab that involves Burp Suite @ #infosecversity. #labeveryday I hope that you have a wonderful day. 🤗 💜~
안녕하세요 / hola / hello awesome & amazing people!! I came back a day earlier. My studies at #infosecversity have been heavy lately but I always remember that life is - beautiful. I hope that you have a wonderful day. 💖