> The question is not #NATO by itself. The question is.. security.. the United States government unilaterally walked out of the #IntermediateNuclearForcesTreaty, the #INFTreaty. Mr. #Putin and the Chinese government have said that they fear the placement of mid-level — these intermediate nuclear missiles near the #Russian and #Chinese border. ..they feared that there would be these missiles placed in #Ukraine or in #Taiwan
#VijayPrashad on #NearPeer view #NoNukes #China
#china #nonukes #NearPeer #VijayPrashad #taiwan #ukraine #chinese #russian #putin #inftreaty #IntermediateNuclearForcesTreaty #nato
The end of the #INFtreaty puts #Europa back into the status of a possible battlefield between #Russia and the #UnitedStates. #Europe can not and should not rely on either of them for its #security. Europe needs to take care of this by and for itself with a common foreign and security policy #CFSP - but that's almost impossible with #Putin fanboys like #Salvini and #Orban within the #EU.
#inftreaty #europa #russia #unitedstates #europe #security #cfsp #putin #salvini #orban #eu
#USCongress has the power to force adherence to the #INFTreaty if it chooses to act. Email your two Senators and your Representative. @Roots_Action @WorldBEYONDWar @dailykos @pdamerica @thenation https://act.rootsaction.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=13525 #politics #USofA
#uscongress #inftreaty #politics #usofa