The Ingenium Second Edition playtest version is now available on DriveThruRPG! Grab a copy at let us know what you think!
#silvergryphongames #ttrpg #ingeniumrpg
The manuscript for Ingenium Second Edition is complete! Now it's off to editing. While it's in the editing phase, I'll also be putting together the Playtest Edition. Hopefully that will be available soon.
#ingeniumrpg #silvergryphongames
Back from my trip to Washington, D.C.!
This morning I knocked out the remaining descriptions for the magic item enchantments for Ingenium Second Edition. That completes the rules for magic items.
Next for Ingenium is more non-combat spells and the GM chapter. This weekend, though, the focus will be on Aethermancy layout.
#silvergryphongames #ingeniumrpg #aetherrpg #ttrpg
New blog post on Silver Gryphon Games' site about the progress of Aethermancy and Ingenium Second Edition:
#silvergryphongames #aetherrpg #ingeniumrpg #ttrpgs
This weekend I re-balanced Ingenium Second Edition. Now there are consistent difficulty numbers, a reasonable progression curve, and monster challenge levels are no longer all over the place.
Shoutout to for helping me figure out dice probabilities!
#gamedesign #silvergryphongames #ingeniumrpg
Silver Gryphon Games' blog post for today is about the Ingenium second edition setting chapter!
#silvergryphongames #ingeniumrpg #aetherrpg #ttrpg
It's official - Ingenium is getting a second edition!
#silvergryphongames #ttrpg #ingeniumrpg