More magic of #FlywayBirding for our group yesterday with migratory #Raptors passing overhead 3 Bonelli’s Eagles menacing passing soaring migrants and this one of two gorgeous Western Black-eared Wheatears !
….today more !
#TheStraits #Birding #Birders #Primavera #ingloriousbustardstour
#flywaybirding #raptors #thestraits #birding #birders #primavera #ingloriousbustardstour
Amongst the fabulous noisy and amazing colony of Collared Pratincoles yesterday with our group here!
Wryneck, Western Subalpine Warblers, Common Whitethroat and more adorned the trees as we scanned through the myriad of #Shorebirds fuelling up for onward #migration.
#shorebirds #migration #flywaybirding #avianmigration #ingloriousbustardstour