2016: "Although the #Ingram name is little known to the public, the family wields pervasive influence behind the scenes. A huge chunk of the most popular products of the Information Age--desktop computers, software, CD-ROMs, videos, video games, and that old standby, #books--pass through an Ingram warehouse on their journey to market.
Distribution has become far more competitive and innovative in recent years with the rise of superretailers and new shopping venues such as the Internet. No one has mastered the nuances better than the Ingrams, whose relentless perfectionism has allowed them to dominate almost every niche they occupy. Ingram Micro Inc. is the largest distributor of microcomputer products, with a 28% share of the U.S. market; Ingram Book Group handles about two-thirds of the books that wend their way through wholesalers to bookstores. In the emerging online book business, Ingram commands an even greater share; Ingram Entertainment Inc. ships one-third of all home videos." [1]
"In its first year, 1970, the Ingram Book Co. had sales of $1 million and employed 18 people, but by 2020, its successor, the #IngramContentGroup, had revenue topping $2 billion." [2]
#ingram #books #ingramcontentgroup #bookstodon #publishing #guillotine