Ingres. Male torso, ~1800.
This is my favourite painting in the Musée Ingres. It's not only the allure of the model that attracts me, but the colors and ideal build and styling of the period, evidence that bodies morph in temporally bound imaginations, subjected to the vicissitudes of fashion. This is a neoclassical body, or rather the real body of a man sieved through neoclassical values. Ideal human beauty is relative. Bodies have not changed. Our conceptions of them do. #Painting #Ingres
Visite de la très riche collection permanente du musée de
La Boverie
#Liège #ConstantinMeunier #Ingres Et #VanRysselberghe pour "Les soeurs du peintre Schlobach"
#liege #constantinmeunier #ingres #vanrysselberghe
@ChrisLynham Ingres paid the bills round here for many years - good times, great database. Still got my Ingres flipbook dba command reference somewhere.. OpenRoad anyone ? #Ingres #OpenRoad
Pleased to have a new poem in this year's *Stony Thursday Book*, based on the Martial Raysse painting *Made in Japan - La grande odalisque*
Big thanks to editor #annemarienichurreain
Looking forward to diving in to read the other poems 💚
#poetry #irishpoetry #ekphrasticpoetry #ekphrasis #martialraysse #Ingres #artafterart #sheelanagig #stonythursday #irishwriting #feministpoetry #dianathehunter #odalisque
#annemarienichurreain #poetry #irishpoetry #ekphrasticpoetry #ekphrasis #martialraysse #ingres #artafterart #SheelaNaGig #stonythursday #irishwriting #feministpoetry #dianathehunter #odalisque
I had a lovely time conducting research in the Print Study Room at the Minneapolis Institute of Art! #missartworldsouthdakota
Photo by @acpackard
[Description: A very studious and serious #artist poses in a print library with a magnifying glass to examine male-gazey prints by #rembrandt and #ingres.]
#ingres #rembrandt #artist #missartworldsouthdakota
A cat is like a masterpiece
One shouldn’t put at risk
The greatest muse in history
Move over, odalisque!
#CatsOfMastodon #Ingres #GrandeOdalisque #Louvre #Museum #RagdollCats #Caturday #Catstodon #Orientalism #Katten #Rhymes
#HistoryOfArt #Kunstgeschiedenis #KattenLiefhebbers #BlackCats #CatLovers #CatLoversClub #Masterpiece #Painting #Art #Kunst
#catsofmastodon #ingres #grandeodalisque #louvre #museum #ragdollcats #caturday #catstodon #orientalism #katten #rhymes #historyofart #kunstgeschiedenis #kattenliefhebbers #blackcats #catlovers #catloversclub #masterpiece #painting #art #kunst
A cat is like a masterpiece
One shouldn’t put at risk
The greatest muse in history
Move over, odalisque!
#CatsOfMastodon #Ingres #GrandeOdalisque #Louvre #Museum #RagdollCats
#HistoryOfArt #Kunstgeschiedenis #KattenLiefhebbers #BlackCats #CatLovers #CatLoversClub #Masterpiece #Painting #Art #Kunst
#catsofmastodon #ingres #grandeodalisque #louvre #museum #ragdollcats #historyofart #kunstgeschiedenis #kattenliefhebbers #blackcats #catlovers #catloversclub #masterpiece #painting #art #kunst
Just posting some #art. Hope you like!
#painting #cats #ingres
Si lo piensas, #Ingres conocería el #Moisés. Mira otra vez a Bertin: severa mirada, energía contenida, la ‘terribilità’ de su pose. Como el profeta, soportaba una carga: ser el arquetipo de la burguesía triunfante que respaldó al último rey de Francia. #EmocionArte @MuseeLouvre
È il 1805, #oggi #Napoleone viene incoronato #re d'#Italia nel #Duomo di #Milano. È l'ultimo re a ricevere per questa cerimonia la #corona ferrea, come da #tradizione dai tempi del #regno #longobardo. Eccolo (molto regale!) in un #dipinto di #Ingres. #BEIC
#beic #ingres #dipinto #longobardo #regno #tradizione #corona #milano #duomo #italia #re #napoleone #oggi
Avis aux amateurs d'#art, cette carte postale me pose problème : c'est une représentation de Jeanne d'Arc mais ce n'est pas l'original d'#Ingres qui se trouve au #Louvre (
Ici, la tunique de Jeanne a disparue ainsi que certains détails du fond de l'image et aucun crédit n'est indiqué.
Ni le web, ni l'hôtel de ville d'#Orléans n'ont pu me renseigner et le musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans était fermé.
Quelqu'un saurait résoudre mon #énigme ? Merci !
#énigme #orléans #louvre #ingres #art