On Apple Music there has been, for years a live track of Ingrid Michaelson singing my favorite version of her Far Away, and now it's greyed out. This has happened a couple times before but it always came back in a few days. It's been months now. I've tried searching for it, can't find it. Does anyone know the twisted mind of Apple Music well enough to venture a guess as to whether I'll ever hear that track again?
#NP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK7oGVQnTSo #IngridMichaelson - Die Alone on #WERS
Tom is now listening to You and I
Tom is now listening to The Lotto
Tom is now listening to You and I
Tom is now listening to The Lotto
Tom is now listening to Young And In Love
Tom is now listening to Merry Christmas, Happy New Year #IngridMichaelson,ZooeyDeschanel